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artificial intelligence; automatic HW identification and driver download
For downloading, we would need a wifi or ethernet. But if we have wifi problem and no ethernet, then that script would be of no use.
I'm not talking about a problem that has happened.
literally utopian solutions
I am trying to discuss the creation of the road map of the future :)
--- Quote from: Sashank999 on July 23, 2020, 02:21:06 AM ---For downloading, we would need a wifi or ethernet. But if we have wifi problem and no ethernet, then that script would be of no use.
--- End quote ---
Strong AI or Weak AI?
In my experience, most people are all talk and no action. And few people plan or think rationally about the subject. Of course there was AI winter, both 1 and 2, but now we have "A.I. irrational exuberance"; setting the scene for "A.I. Winter III".
But America DOES love a ridiculous sequel. Luckily the rest of the world continues to think rationally and logically about the coming Post-Moore's Law Era.
My name is Randall Meyer. I post here as ladnar or doctoranonymous. I also post on a 6502 forum. I think you would like some of my posts about raspberry pi, picore, tinycore, vision science, image sensors (CCDs and CMOS; Goldberg Polyhedra!), 6502, and StrongAI.
First step to any Strong AI is good hardware. Audio, Visual, Tactile, Olfactory and Gustatory. A good read of Locke or Hume is also a fine introduction. Impressions (perceptions?). Ideas. Memes. Mnemes.
Seems to me, the Linux community, in general, should work towards standardizing these "channels".
I am just a lowly biologist, with a smattering of Linux commands under my belt, and even I know a simple bash script could add a few more "standard directories" for archival sensory storage.
I call it Meyer's Standard Strong Artifical Intelligence Directories. MSSAID.
mkdir vis.
mkdir aud
mkdir tact
mkdir olf
mkdir gust
And yet, no smellovision? No sniffer sensor? No taster sensor? The other sensory channels have good hardware, commercially available, cheap. These two channels? Not so much?
But of course, wallstreet wants a dumb-AI, because they are tired of tipping cabbies and uber-drivers, so, you know .... what wallstreet wants, wallstreet gets!
And a biologist like me, a person who has thought about Strong AI for (essentially) every waking adult second since 2001, incorporating his AI company in 2004, and since reduced to turning over couch cushions for change to buy robot parts and scientific equipment, well, a person like me is left wondering if the real changes, the necessary changes, will ever take place?
HINT: Surface Acoustic Wave Transducers ... Wave of the future, dude. Maybe?
At the risk of looking equal parts lazy and stupid, here is my bash script which does essentially nothing, except outline the future.
I know how to start a bash script, but maybe not how to end it? I think you just save it with .sh at the end ; then change with chmod to be executable?
You'll see the last few lines I left indistinct? Who should be allowed to alter a Strong AI's sensory memories? I would argue "nobody", but for development purposes, ?maybe?, suggest "anybody" ! chmod 777 !
--- Code: ---
#! /bin/bash
cd /
mkdir /strongai
mkdir /strongai/opt
mkdir /strongai/aud
mkdir /strongai/tact
mkdir /strongai/olf
mkdir /strongai/gust
chdir -m 777 mydir
mkdir -m a=rwx [directories]
chdir -m 777 mydir
--- End code ---
Most "standard" Linux folders are just a few letters? Maybe not "/strongai" ; maybe just "/sai" .
I dunno. Just a thought.
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