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artificial intelligence; automatic HW identification and driver download

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I wrote the previous comment a little hurriedly.
Google Translate ; again misinterpreted long sentences! but the main idea is clear!
hardware can be variable.
however, each of them has a fixed and unchangeable id id.
No driver is required to read hardware IDs.
if you fully understand what I am trying to explain here.
Without adding garbage files that will never be used in the system,
a smaller, more minimalist linux distribution might emerge.
also, the end user will not need to search for drivers.
especially new users.


--- Quote ---Seeing "chmod 777" raises alarm bells to me!!
--- End quote ---

Oh yeah. Don't do that. ( I knew this, but not how fatal it is).

I think I am OK because I didn't use the -r , recursive, function (I read something once about sticky bits "bricking" a raspeberyy pi; I hope I didn't do that?). But I will change my code. Why did I do it in the first place? I think the piCore wouldn't let me mkdir in root? Maybe I'll just change the U to 7 and leave the G and O alone?

(People out there, reading this; listen to Greg and others. Not me. Unless I said something smart about biology or philosophy or the history of science. Then listen to me.)

*Edit* Maybe,  $ chmod 7GO , and then, at the end of the script, $ chmod UGO ; where UGO are the original settings for root on a picore OS. Yeah, that's much better.

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