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artificial intelligence; automatic HW identification and driver download
Greg Erskine:
hi ladnar,
A couple of points:
Bash may not be loaded by default. If not use #!/bin/sh
"exit" is the end command in a script. exit 0 is implied. Stick it in if you like.
Script speed is relative. piCorePlayer uses 30,000 lines of shell as a http CGI, performance is more than adequate.
Seeing "chmod 777" raises alarm bells to me!!
--- Quote ---Seeing "chmod 777" raises alarm bells to me!!
--- End quote ---
I knew I was being bad. But with an OS that lives on RAM (and a coupla blank uSD cards in my pocket) I am living dangerously.
And, technically, Asimov's three rules of robotics aren't broken. Firstly, I do not need a "worker" or "slave", as the Czech word "robota" would imply (Rossum's Universal Robots, circa 1925, Karel Capek). I am more in the vein of Homer's Illiad and/or Odyssey; Hephasteus, Tripods, and Golden Girls for a blacksmith's apprentice. Its an older dream, than our recent nightmares. Vacaunson's digestive duck, perhaps?
What, for curiosities sake, is the worst that chmod 777 can do, on a RAM resident OS, air gap, SBC?
(My robotics obsession began around 2003, after reading Noam Chomsky's "Syntactic structures" and Daniel Dennett's "Darwin's Dangerous Idea". I decided "Syntax is for the birds" and "Semantics is where it's at". I was also reading Hume's discussion of "impressions" and "ideas", and Paul Thompson's book "The Structure of Biological Theories", wherein he discusses the Syntactic conception of theory structure, vs. his preferred embodiment, the Semantic formalization. I won't pretend to have understood it all (I think I am a Syntactic person, when it comes to formal theories, but I appreciate a little "Semantic looseness" everywhere else!), but I somehow got it in my head that VN^2=S ; That is, for an Aritficial or Natural Intelligence possessing N number of Nouns and V number of Verbs, VN^2 number of simple semantic sentences, S, was the maximum that could be intelligently composed. A lovely little permutation derivation, if ever there was one.
Of course the INTELLIGENT intelligent sentences are a much smaller subset than S would imply. intelligence is, after all, situational. So, I guess its simple then, huh? All we have to do is make a device that CAN speak all of the sentences, S, but, for various reasons, chooses not to. Easey Peasey, right?)
Is it either or /bash or /sh ? Or, preferably /sh, unless you know its going to be /bash, then there's some benefit to having /bash? Which is more popular; or should I just check every script I run and remember what machine I am on, i.e. what shell I'm using? Cuz I switch machines sometimes; it gets confusing for newbies?
Thanks Greg,
If you are writing scripts only for TCL, use sh. "sh" means the default shell in the Linux System. For TCL, it is "ash"
For may GNU/Linux distros, it is "bash"
Bash has more features like arrays than ash. Moreover, bash can be easily found in any distro. So, cross-distro scripts are to be created in bash (my opinion).
If you are switching distros, use bash. But I personally recommend sh or ash on TCL and my infocreator script work is based on ash of TCL.
If anyone is interested in this thread, see this : .
It is an implementation of this thread in Manjaro Linux. I know nothing about C or C++ so if anyone knows them, you can see here.
philosophical approach
There are 2 types of linux distributions.
first one; turnkey all-in-one (including redundant drives)
the second; do it yourself linux
common feature of both
their inability to respond to realistic needs on time and instantly.
not everyone can create linux themselves.
usually turns to turnkey model.
therefore, loss of time and efficiency is inevitable.
The whole linux configuration I have created in my mind is actually about my process of finding and discovering the right file in the repository archive.
Installing the drivers before the software the user will deal with is one of the top priorities and one of the most blindly tedious operations.
the hardware id is already communicating with the motherboard bios all the time.
communicates over this identification number. this is already the most basic drive format. and naturally this hardware is its own DNA structure.
hardware already provides the most basic communication at the bios level.
the opening purpose of this topic; with minimalist approaches
The thought of creating a minimalist linux experience where less trouble to the end user or even a hassle-free!
minimalist linux distributions are often an experience-based usage. Of course, getting to this point is for me;
After at least 10 different Linux distributions,
and if you pay attention to my forum membership date,
After 10 years, I could tell the big difference TCL between other linux.
The essence of the event is briefly;
bios data is literally a fixed id that is accessible
it needs a hard drive.
For this, the correct file needs to be downloaded from the repository.
doing this manually takes experience. even if it's simple
how can this be automated.
define the variable constant and download the required software.
the upper text; It was translated to English with google translation.
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