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Frustated Windows 10 users - Come here !

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Hello my dear frustated Windows 10 users !

Let me share my methods and ideas here. I also included my experiences here. This would be like a guide.

I am a normal Lenovo Laptop user with an Intel i3 CPU, 2 GB of RAM, 250GB HDD, BIOS and shipped with Windows® 7. I had updated it to Windows 10 (Too much excited about this in the start ;) ). Then the problem started  :( .

The lag-free experience of Windows 7 wasn't there. "Everything" in my PC lagged. The worst thing is that it also lagged the Control Panel, Search Bar and even that simple Windows menu. That Windows bootloader was slow. That AI in Win 10 (I think you know the name ;) ) made me think that my PC is just useless(as it hanged the Search Bar always) and it didn't even had a disable switch.

Just in that time, my knowledge and interest in Linux began (it started as I saw linux in YT Wi-Fi hacking videos ;) ). I came across many Linux Distro (just visit their website, see the features, see them hacking Wi-Fi in some YT videos, be amazed). But the internet data usage of them just made me discard them (Believe me. I always consider data usage as a requirement too ;D). My quest for an alternative to Windows 10 and a minimalistic, full-featured, customisable, light, noob-friendly Linux Distro began.....

That made me visit DSL (from some Google searches, obviously) and then "Tiny Core Linux".

A minimalistic OS that suits my Internet Data Usage, Disk Usage. It also has very little installation issues. You have a very good forum and a minimalistic OS that suits you and your laptop. What else would anyone even want ?

Just grab the Coreplus (if you want Wi-Fi, else borrow Core for Ethernet Users), burn it to a USB, boot up, install, done :) .

Great suggestion, but I would temper that a little bit:

If one is simply wanting to transition from a Windows mindset, then perhaps Ubuntu, or any number of other full-sized distros would be a great start.  And then come *back* to TinyCore if you want to turn wrenches.

One problem is that your machine, which is pre-Windows 8, does not mandate the use of UEFI.  Modern machines, especially those of Windows 10, may be uefi-ONLY, and have no transitionary legacy/csm options.

In cases where the system is locked down with "Secure Boot", then distros that supply "shims" will cause less first-time user frustration.  OR, if they are willing to do so, go into their bios and DISable "secure boot" for those distros without that support.

In addition, most modern Windows 8+ machines are 64 bit, and coreplus may not boot, leaving them scratching their heads, not knowing this.

Also, the simple "burn and boot" ers of iso's may be similarly frustrated by not knowing that the 64-bit iso's, are not actually bootable as-is on most uefi/only machines.  They must come to the forum to find out how to get around this.

This is not a fault of TinyCore - but the neophyte user may be dismayed viewing blogs, videos, and other such projects showing how easy it is to just use their existing o/s to "burn an iso" like it was in the past with older gear, be it from cdrom, or even usb sticks.

Hence, they may think that TC is at fault, and move on, since it doesn't follow what today would be considered the norm.

Again - not a fault of TC itself.  Just changing times and expectations.

Hi PDP-8,

I think a simple tutorial on the Downloads or the Intro page is enough for the UEFI-only machines. People who want more flexibility or more minimalism should do some hard work.


--- Quote from: PDP-8 on July 20, 2020, 06:32:58 AM --- Modern machines, especially those of Windows 10, may be uefi-ONLY, and have no transitionary legacy/csm options.

--- End quote ---

in both cases , clover boot-loader could be something to consider 

--- Quote from: ---Clover Bootloader supports booting in both UEFI and Legacy modes. Interestingly, it supports UEFI firmware emulation, this allows us to boot into UEFI mode from Legacy mode. It is capable of booting .efi files even if Clover is booted in Legacy BIOS.
--- End quote ---


--- Quote from: PDP-8 on July 20, 2020, 06:32:58 AM ---
One problem is that your machine, which is pre-Windows 8, does not mandate the use of UEFI.  Modern machines, especially those of Windows 10, may be uefi-ONLY, and have no transitionary legacy/csm options.
...Again - not a fault of TC itself.  Just changing times and expectations.

--- End quote ---
In UEFI mode (without secure-boot): TC has core64. And it is booting in UEFI, see grub in iso/[boot]/EFI/.
maybe @curaga or @juanito could clarify this one for all, to avoid this confusion. So tinycore64.iso can boot in UEFI mode!

--- Quote from: PDP-8 on July 20, 2020, 06:32:58 AM ---
In addition, most modern Windows 8+ machines are 64 bit, and coreplus may not boot, leaving them scratching their heads, not knowing this.

--- End quote ---
in BIOS mode: any machine on 64 bits can run 32 bits programs.
The only "bug" is "UEFI + secure-boot=on". QED.


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