@curaga: sorry for "ifgrep". my mouse pointer random jumped into another aterm window/row and edited the tc-config by mistake/ live, without me note it.
@ paul_123: you are right about to measure the "improvment" pieces by pieces. I did it in the past (rudimentary) and it is
about 2-7 seconds, depending on HDD speed, tc version (biger kernels now) etc. Lets say I boot the "laptop" 10 times/day, i ussualy just suspend it in RAM, but crappy battery can deplete in the mean time. So if I gain 2 seconds/boot, then is not worth the few hours spend testing the "improvments" which could break other CPU arhitecture not tested (arm vs. x86).
The fact that you ask me to do the test myself, means that you already did some test, and you concluded that tc-config is in the best shape now 
OK, just say it so clearly, no problem.
The proposal was more about
better undestanding the documentation, audit the code again, because new version busybox bugs, what was OK in the past could be not OK now.
To make TC more modular as andyj said; i will "borrow" few ideas from him in my "remix".
I am not a programmer, so PDP-8 talk about git (public work) is no way for me. Forget about it.The problem with remix is that ussualy will be optimized for special purposes (QEMU virtual machine, UEFI only real laptop).