I have built for TC64 idesk.
https://imgur.com/vr4tBkVI have a problem.....no not that one....my Dr knows what to do

Each icon will open if and only if any previous opened app via icon is now closed.
ie if I use an autostart ~/X.d terminal, text editor, web browser etc they all work fine.
if I double click say the cpanel...its opens and works as expected
If I then double click another icon....nothing appears to happen until I close cpanel and then the second app opens.
I have some offers as I am not entirely sure what is going wrong.
1) I email a volunteer on TC64 my TCE and they check it out on their system
2) I post my build script and someone with better skills takes over if interested
3) I request a submission....but am reluctant to burden Juanito at this stage.
It may be something to do with my video AMD APU as I can not run graphical desktop unless I load Xorg.
I have tested on hackedbox, openbox and something else
---on Xorg 2d and 3d with similar results.
In any case, from various wikis I know I can launch normal desktop icons via pcmanfm.
Here is an example of the icon file for those interested.
cat .config/idesktop/exittc.lnk
table Icon
Caption: exittc
Command: "exittc"
Icon: /usr/local/share/pixmaps/exittc.png
Width: 48
Height: 48
X: 29
Y: 39
thanks for reading