the info for alsa-config suggests you might need a sleep command,
this is to allow setup or initialization of your sound device.
pretending you have alsa-config.tcz alsa.tcz in your boot list
Note that for some devices alsa-config should be loaded before alsa.
alsa-config contains setup files for some devices
/bin/sleep 4
amixer set "Master" 80 unmute
I have a persistent home, because ~/.X.d is not in your negative list called /opt/.xfiletool.lst
(x means no) should not need to specify any file for .X.d IMHO in your .filetool.lst
why not try first a manual system?
If interested, remove all alsa TCEs from your boot list
Change ~.X.d/alsa to read
tce-load -i alsa-config alsa
/bin/sleep 4
amixer set "Master" 80 unmute
reboot and see if that works. You may need to adjust the sleep command?
Once you know a reliable sleep time, (if needed) you can add your alsa TCEs back into boot list
and delete the first line
Incidently, if you save your mixer levels you can have them restore to whatever levels you want, instead of using amixer commands.....but that may be a bridge too far for you at the moment