Tinycore is here 12/1/2008! Welcome visitors.
chown <user>:<group> <filename>
tar xf adom_linux_debian_32_3.3.3.tar.gzcp adom/adom .local/bin/
Ancient Domains Of Mystery -- Version 3.3.3 (C) Copyright 1994-2019 Thomas Biskup. All Rights Reserved. /* * ADOM session aborted due to an external problem. * Problem Description: ADOM requires at least a 25x80 screen to run on. */
adom --help
... Knowing nothing about ADOM, but chown syntax isCode: [Select]chown <user>:<group> <filename> ...
The readme1st.txt file supplied with ADOM shows a period being used as a delimiter between user and group. I tried itand it turns out that chown will accept a period as a delimiter.