I am finally getting around to updating pcmanfm on TC64 and just noticed the following:
2. To get remote filesystem support, trash:///, and computer:/// support, libfm needs gvfs. Please install gvfs and its related backends if you need these features.
3. Volume management is done with glib, which relies on gvfs. If you don't want to use gvfs, try the --enable-udisks configure option. Libfm has a built-in volume management implementation done with udisks. However, it's still experimental and may be unstable. Use gvfs whenever possible.
Note that libfm is a running dep of pcmanfm.
This means that when you compile libfm on 32 bit, you may need to load gvfs-dev.
But on TC64 it gets ugly because I found I needed to compile....libfm-extra(-dev) then menu-cache then libfm and finally pcmanfm....where libfm and libfm-extra share the same source.
I borked at the opportunity to build pcmanfm with gvfs support due to noticing the total size in Apps.
Without gvfs....current TC64 pcmanfm is about 1.13M
if libfm became dependent on gvfs ....gvfs size on TC64, ignoring some duplications is 125Mb.