I've often thought about a remaster for the new kids on the block with modern uefi-only hardware in their households.
How to introduce them to the joys of a very small simple linux, that they can blow away and re-create, and slowly get into the joy of the shell and dd'ing a new stick from that, severing the ties from using another machine over time?
Thought process:
1) Modern kids don't care about iso9660 and burning a read-only stick. If they want, they get all secure with stuff like that later.
2) Burn TC64 with an ext4 partition, and and efi partition as a distributable iso. Sure go ahead and use Etcher, Rufus or whatever that will dd to the card anyway. Don't need to make it huge because:
3) Like piCore, after installation one simply expands the ext4 partition. However, this means that you'll want the efi partition as the first one, and the ext4 as the secondary.
4) Put the iso image inside the image again - this way, young minds can explore the wonders of "dd" instead of using a 3rd party burner on Windows once they get the system booted.
5) Optionally create an old-school ncurses interface to do a dd to the included iso in case they want to burn another, yet are still confused or scared of the cli initially.
It doesn't have to be a full Tinycore either, but just simple core to act as an installer for some, or a total environment for those that dig just the cli.
But I know what you are saying. There are those like myself who are unix end-users, and not necessarily interested in being admistrators for hardware - although with TC you tend to go into the gray-zone where you pick up these skills at time moves on.

KISS: Make it boot uefi-only, put the iso inside the iso, add tools or not to separate the initial bond relying on 3rd party windows burners, since for many, they have no idea on how/where to start, or what information is fresh or stale.
Right - so let's do this tonight shall we? The devs have given us the tools. It's up to us.