Both FLTK appls: alsamixergui.tcz and flit.tcz work OK, but sound steps are not-synchronized between them.
For the Master volum control
flit has step=3 => 0, 3, 9 .. 26.. 51 .. 75.. 91, 94, 97, 100
alsamixergui has step=7 => 0, 1, 2,.. 8.. 23 .. 49.. 78, 85, 91 ,100
my opinion is that flit is working linear steps [3], but alsamixergui is not-linear [7]
FYI: Also I did a sample [of 2 seconds]
$ arecord -c2 -d2 -f dat test.wav
$ aplay test.wav
in TC10-x86 and was clear played with aplay.
But in TC1.11_x64 the same sample is heard as very poor quality, full of noise.
Recording a new sample in TC1.11_x64 is working OK.
$ arecord -c2 -d2 -f dat 123.wav & $ aplay 123.wav
But the sample has bigger size [DOUBLE]. for the same default encoding, Signed 16 bit Little Endian, Rate 48Khz, stereo.