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user/developer photo gallery and introductions

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Thank you, jazzbiker. Let's leave the thread here, then. Hopefully there will be others, but two is already a party :)

Hi, all Tiny Core makers and lovers!

Here we are with my younger son. My name is Andrey, I live in Odessa, Ukraine.
In our life some things make us feel really good, for me such were jazz music and riding bike during almost all my life, if talk about something created by a humans.  Tiny Core appeared to be the OS of my dreams, I expect it perfect, beautiful and charming. And of course flexible, effective and powerful. Tiny Core is the next thing in my life which make me feel really good ) If it is funny, You can laugh at it )
I'm very grateful to its creators and maintainers!

Cheers )

    [EDIT]: Image removed as requested.  Rich

Nice to meet you, Andrey. I've actually been to Odessa before, many years ago when I was visiting a friend who lives in Yuzhne. Odessa is a beautiful city. I remember the seaport and the old opera house, which was being renovated at the time. Buvay!

Hi, GNUser! Thanks, our planet is so little...
Can You give me advice were to find rules of posting photos on the forum? I've no need before...

Hi jazzbiker

--- Quote from: jazzbiker on May 15, 2020, 02:18:45 PM --- ... Can You give me advice were to find rules of posting photos on the forum? I've no need before...
--- End quote ---
What kind of rules are you looking for?


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