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user/developer photo gallery and introductions

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The way you did it is fine--I was able to view it, just had to login and click on the attachment. To have the image show up inside your post, you have to upload the image to a webserver somewhere (e.g., or then put the image's URL between img tags, like this:
--- Code: ---[img][/img]
--- End code ---
If you mean some kind of "code of conduct" for what's appropriate to post, I don't know where to find that but I'm sure your picture does not violate the rules :) If there are such rules, Rich would probably know where to find them.

Hi GNUser

--- Quote from: GNUser on May 15, 2020, 02:29:10 PM --- ... To have the image show up inside your post, you have to upload the image to a webserver somewhere (e.g., or then put the URL between img tags, like this:
--- Code: ---[img][/img]
--- End code ---
--- End quote ---
The other way you can do it is attach your image, post your message, copy the link to the attachment, edit your post, paste the link between  img  tags, and save your post. Just 6 simple steps.

Wow, Rich and GNUser, just  hack! Thanks!

Hi jazzbiker

--- Quote from: jazzbiker on May 15, 2020, 02:06:45 PM --- ... PS. Oops, attachment is not shown...
--- End quote ---
I made it visible.

Rules for posting pictures. It's never come up before, but lets start with these:
1. Keep it family friendly.
2. Keep image size at or below 800 x 600.

That's all that comes to mind so far. I'll add to the list if it becomes necessary.


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