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Author Topic: [Poll Point] What do you thing about ´Go´ language?  (Read 4252 times)

Offline ferran

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[Poll Point] What do you thing about ´Go´ language?
« on: April 25, 2020, 07:05:39 AM »

Let's talk about Go

The "Go" language gives a lot to talk about in some places. Praise and criticism go hand in hand.

Go's logo

Go" is a Google programming language and therefore module support is going to be important. It is being sold as a networking language (back-end programming and APIs).

I took a look at it yesterday and my opinion is that it is another version of C, emulating aspects of Python and that it picks up things from both. The most "relevant" thing is that it doesn't implement OOP. I wasn't too impressed, but I appreciate the "old style" of programming structured code.

However, the truth is that the programmers' salary in Go has gone up a lot (maybe because there aren't many in the job market yet).

And what do you think about it?

Will it be one more on the list or will it prevail in the community?


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Offline hiro

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Re: [Poll Point] What do you thing about ´Go´ language?
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2020, 04:04:18 AM »
i don't see the relation to python, but it seems like a great C++ or java replacement.
one of the most special things about go is that it's inspired by hoare's concurrency, several other languages also got implemented on plan9, then limbo on inferno, and golang seems to be the culmination of all lessons learned, and allows them to ditch the OS completely (or make the language their new OS).

Offline mocore

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Re: [Poll Point] What do you thing about ´Go´ language?
« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2020, 06:35:39 AM »

Praise and criticism go hand in hand.

wrt to the latter : https://wiki.theory.org/index.php/YourLanguageSucks#Go_sucks_because , perhaps ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ this wiki has some points ?
**(idk tbh!!)

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Re: [Poll Point] What do you thing about ´Go´ language?
« Reply #3 on: May 22, 2020, 04:33:23 AM »
what i don't like about go is how many different libraries everybody imports, how it's hard to use offline (when go get doesn't work any more, all kinds of stuff assuming always-on connectivity).

also, i don't like that it isn't C.

when i read the implementation of stuff like the garbage collection i don't understand anything :)

and i am sad that they abandoned their own OS (plan9), instead they assume everything is ubuntu or mac os, with hard dependencies on stuff like bash and no wish to stay platform independent in any way. for example plan9 support (which was there from the beginning in some sense and naturally arose from them having used the plan9 compiler originally to bootstrap everything) is getting worse over time, as externals have to try and keep that working and without good coordination with the core devs.

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golang: what made golang become popular. creators look back
« Reply #4 on: May 23, 2022, 07:07:02 AM »

full text at cacm.acm.org:
(also available as a pdf by substituting "pdf" instead of "fulltext")

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The fluctuation theorem has long been known for a sudden switch of the Hamiltonian of a classical system Z54 . For a quantum system with a Hamiltonian changing from... https://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php/topic,25972.msg166580.html#msg166580

Offline mocore

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Re: [Poll Point] What do you thing about ´Go´ language?
« Reply #5 on: May 24, 2022, 10:59:02 PM »

(also available as a pdf by substituting "pdf" instead of "fulltext")

hi & thanks for this intresting link ...

Quote from: The Go Programming Language and Environment
Also, in existing languages we used, importing one library could cause the compiler to recursively load all the libraries that one imported. In one C++ compilation in 2007, we observed the compiler (after #include processing) reading more than 8 GB of data when handed a set of files totaling 4.2 MB


this 'cpu' is the most intresting thing i have heard of implemented in go

& after reading hiro comment ,wrt the history

golang seems to be the culmination of all lessons learned, and allows them to ditch the OS completely (or make the language their new OS).

perhaps its not by accident

- 'Plan 9 CPU command, in Go, for Linux
the network is the computer -- for real this time'
I have reimplemented the Plan 9 cpu command in pure Go, available at github.com/u-root/cpu. It uses the ssh transport protocol for data, and the 9p protocol for file system traffic.


Offline mocore

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Re: [Poll Point] What do you thing about ´Go´ language?
« Reply #6 on: February 25, 2023, 02:11:06 AM »

while reading elsewhere i was reminded of this topic by a (ot) comment about the go lang tools

Quote from: ejolson
As far as modern languages go,
Go somehow surpassed Turbo Pascal for a proliferation of magic comments that are not syntax checked for errors.

elsewhere = https://forums.raspberrypi.com/viewtopic.php?t=336843&start=475#p2044876

Offline hiro

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