juanito, Rich
I downloaded again alsa.ctz, after I rebooted and now alsactl init shows:
#### Testing successfully alsactl init ####
tc@box:~$ alsactl init
Found hardware: "HDA-Intel" "Realtek ALC663" "HDA:10ec0663,10431903,00100001 HDA:11c11040,10431636,00100200 HDA:10de0007,10de0101,00100100" "0x1043" "0x1903"
Hardware is initialized using a generic method
#### Testing successfully a sound text ####
tc@box:~$ speaker-test [-Ddefault:1] -c2 -t wav -l
speaker-test 1.2.1
Playback device is default
Stream parameters are 48000Hz, S16_LE, 2 channels
WAV file(s)
Rate set to 48000Hz (requested 48000Hz)
Buffer size range from 2048 to 8192
Period size range from 1024 to 1024
Using max buffer size 8192
Periods = 4
was set period_size = 1024
was set buffer_size = 8192
0 - Front Left
1 - Front Right
Time per period = 2,860001
#### Storing alsactl into /opt/bootlocal.sh and /opt/.filetool.lst
tc@box:~$ sudo alsactl store
tc@box:~$ echo alsactl restore >> /opt/bootlocal.sh
tc@box:~$ echo usr/local/etc/alsa/asound.state >> /opt/.filetool.lst
I tried to restart pulseaudio but i can't
tc@box:~$ pulseaudio -vv
pulseaudio: error while loading shared libraries: libpulsecore-13.0.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Should I download pulseaudio.tcz now?