Tiny Core Base > Final Releases
Tiny Core v11.1
Hi again!
I remember the book that has been written (like 7 years ago) but I don't know if it has been published as a hard copy. I would be the first in line to buy it if that's the case. Anyway I apologize if I hurt someones feelings with my post about a book being written. I'm old school and I prefer a hard copy of a book any day of the week.
Keep up the good work,
Hi meo
--- Quote from: meo on December 14, 2020, 05:23:42 PM --- ... I'm old school and I prefer a hard copy of a book any day of the week. ...
--- End quote ---
Go here:
Then click on "the dead tree edition for sale" link.
Hello forum,
That is the thread title release that is here in tcl64 . Intel x86.
It works well.
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