Tiny Core Base > Final Releases
Tiny Core v11.1
You were correct and I tested poorly.
--- Code: ---tc@box:~$ mv .local/bin/test .local/bin/q
tc@box:~$ q
line 1
--- End code ---
Various (many) firmware-* extensions updated in the x86 and x86_64 repos - thanks to @aus9 for his work on this.
Thanks for contribution,
Keep it going,
I would like to say that I've TCL Coreplus 11.1 into a USB stick currently running 3 days ago into an Intel CPU with 1.6 Ghz and 3Gb RAM. Right now I've all my hardware well configured and it works fine by the moment.
Congratulations to Tiny Core Team
Hi guys!
I've been in hybernation for some years (I still have the 7.2 version of TC and I've tried it on a win laptop and it works). Congrats to all of you who have stayed with the project pushing it forward. A big hand to all of you and a suggestion, isn't it time that someone wrote a book about TC? I've forgotten so much about the system and configuration so I feel kind of lost, I must admit. A book would help others to appreciate this wonderful distro! Just a thought.
Sincerely Yours,
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