Hi Juanito,
I gave it the old college try but, oddly, the same error message appears as before, which is:
Couldn't set the locale: unsupported locale setting; falling back to 'C' locale
Meld requires GTK+ 3.20 or higher.
I saw no obvious errors during setup.py build or setup.py install --root=/tmp/pkg
I studied your 32-bit TCZ, used your tce.installed/meld file, and I found a few places where you edited the desktop file for the icon, and checked against submitqc --nonet. After all that I think I made a good Corepure64 TCZ. As an after thought, even though I have only Corepure64, is it possible I might be rebuilding a 32-bit version, as in a problem with default compiler flags...?
I have gtk+-3.24.13 so it seems that the version check isn't working or is a false failure. Wondering if you have any additional suggestions?
On a related note, the meld home page mentions "meson" so I looked at
http://tinycorelinux.net/11.x/x86/tcz/src/meson/ but it seems to be about "krb5". Not sure if that is expected.
thx as always!