sorry for the delay. Just downloaded it
Some questions if you do not mind?
1) Was this script originally designed for a prefix=/usr type distro?
2) If so, is that the reason why mime-links appears to want to link
tinyopen to /usr/bin/xdg-open? (and similar pathways)
sudo mkdir -p /usr/share/applications
When AFAIK, anyone running a WM or Gnome are likely already have
3) AFAIK TC64 desktops are perm 644. Why do we need to change to 755?
chmod a+x $mime_dir/mimeapps-open.desktop
4) what am I supposed to define for "_TINYOPEN_CFGARG=" please?
I am sorry if this looks picky....but I need your script to fix up a mess caused by me running a certain package that breaks pristine state that re-creates .config/mimeapps.list
It is a web browser....and I prefer to keep it
I am hoping you will work out my issues and then you can submit a TCE if interested?