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Author Topic: 10.1 x64 Apps (temporarily) hangs when displaying very large .tree dependencies  (Read 1789 times)

Offline lhaley42

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First - what I report is 'working as designed' behavior - it isn't a bug, so much as an unintended consequence.

Using Apps, and clicking on the 'Depends' tab, for a package such as:  totem-dev.tcz freezes the interface for some tens of seconds (hardware and connectivity depending) that is because the totem-dev.tcz.tree file is (( under x64 )) - a monster 17MB in size.  It contains some 331,000 lines of data.  By contrast, the x86 variation of the same is only 2.1 MB and 'only' 56,000 lines.

So - I would suggest that the .tree mechanism might need a safety-catch in the Apps software -- " Hey - the file you're about to view is > X size - proceed? "

Online Juanito

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The tree file should not be that big, there is probably a circular dependency somewhere.