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Author Topic: Firefox ESR (Extended Support Release) => FirefoxESR_getLatest.tcz ( Please : )  (Read 11910 times)

Offline xor

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Desktop >>
                Right click >>
                                                [ * firefox_getLatest (download)       ]
                                                [  * firefoxESR_getLatest (download) ]
I want the Download latest version option to appear in the mouse menu.
I hope this time it was understood correctly.

Hi xor
... To download the latest version of FF-ESR...
Attached is a script that downloads  firefox_getLatest.tcz, unpacks it, modifies it to fetch the latest FF ESR, and packages
it as  firefox_getLatestESR.tcz

Download the attached file and then:
Code: [Select]
chmod 775 Makefirefox_getLatestESRtcz
cp firefox_getLatestESR/firefox_getLatestESR.tcz /etc/sysconfig/tcedir/optional
echo "firefox_getLatestESR.tcz" >> /etc/sysconfig/tcedir/onboot.lst
rm -rf firefox_getLatestESR
tce-load -i firefox_getLatestESR

Your desktop menu should now have a  firefox_getLatestESR  option.

for an automatic option to arrive
Did you mean  automatic update ?  If you want to update Firefox, you need to run  firefox_getLatestESR  again.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2020, 05:37:53 AM by xor »

Offline Rich

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Hi xor
Desktop >>
                Right click >>
                                                [ * firefox_getLatest (download)       ]
                                                [  * firefoxESR_getLatest (download) ]
I want the Download latest version option to appear in the mouse menu.
I hope this time it was understood correctly.

Did you follow the instructions I gave you? If you did, then:
Your desktop menu should now have a  firefox_getLatestESR  option.
If you click on that, it should download the latest Firefox ESR. Did you try it?

Offline xor

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a standard option that should be;

I don't want to use it in a personalized way.

what i want; I want this feature to be standard in the * .TCZ file.


this feature should be a standard feature!

!!! I do not want to enter a code on the terminal screen. !!!

please update this by adding this feature to * .tcz files

Hi xor
Desktop >>
                Right click >>
                                                [ * firefox_getLatest (download)       ]
                                                [  * firefoxESR_getLatest (download) ]
I want the Download latest version option to appear in the mouse menu.
I hope this time it was understood correctly.

Did you follow the instructions I gave you? If you did, then:
Your desktop menu should now have a  firefox_getLatestESR  option.
If you click on that, it should download the latest Firefox ESR. Did you try it?
« Last Edit: February 08, 2020, 01:01:12 PM by xor »

Offline Rich

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Hi xor
a standard option that should be;

I don't want to use it in a personalized way.

what i want; I want this feature to be standard in the * .TCZ file.


this feature should be a standard feature!

!!! I do not want to enter a code on the terminal screen. !!!

please update this by adding this feature to * .tcz files
You sound like a child stamping their feet and throwing a temper tantrum.

!!! I do not want to enter a code on the terminal screen. !!!
You don't want to enter a code on the terminal? You only need to run those 6 commands 1 time and you will have a renamed version of
firefox_getLatest.tcz  that fetches the latest ESR. You can then install  firefox_getLatestESR.tcz  to any machine you want so their menus
also have a  firefox_getLatestESR  option.

!!! I do not want to enter a code on the terminal screen. !!!
You don't want to enter a code on the terminal? Then why are you running Linux? More importantly, why are you running a bare bones
Linux like Tinycore? Maybe a full featured point and click Linux with a larger selection of applications would be more suited to your

Offline xor

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You sound like a child stamping their feet and throwing a temper tantrum.

google translating some words may not correspond exactly in the cultural language! translation may appear slightly aggressive in the culturally opposite language.

You don't want to enter a code on the terminal? You only need to run those 6 commands 1 time and you will have a renamed version of
firefox_getLatest.tcz  that fetches the latest ESR. You can then install  firefox_getLatestESR.tcz  to any machine you want so their menus
also have a  firefox_getLatestESR  option

linux is already a command based operating system,
it is not a problem to use it for those who already know the commands!
Options that are visualized in terms of common ease of use for people in different languages can make things even easier.

You don't want to enter a code on the terminal? Then why are you running Linux? More importantly, why are you running a bare bones
Linux like Tinycore? Maybe a full featured point and click Linux with a larger selection of applications would be more suited to your

TCL's philosophical approach is very nice
this is a minimalist linux.
but some of its applications need to develop interfaces,
ease of use is very important.

I want TLC to achieve a better application infrastructure

because people get what they see

"What You See Is What You Get" >>> WYSIWYG >> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WYSIWYG

Hi xor
a standard option that should be;

I don't want to use it in a personalized way.

what i want; I want this feature to be standard in the * .TCZ file.


this feature should be a standard feature!

!!! I do not want to enter a code on the terminal screen. !!!

please update this by adding this feature to * .tcz files
You sound like a child stamping their feet and throwing a temper tantrum.

!!! I do not want to enter a code on the terminal screen. !!!
You don't want to enter a code on the terminal? You only need to run those 6 commands 1 time and you will have a renamed version of
firefox_getLatest.tcz  that fetches the latest ESR. You can then install  firefox_getLatestESR.tcz  to any machine you want so their menus
also have a  firefox_getLatestESR  option.

!!! I do not want to enter a code on the terminal screen. !!!
You don't want to enter a code on the terminal? Then why are you running Linux? More importantly, why are you running a bare bones
Linux like Tinycore? Maybe a full featured point and click Linux with a larger selection of applications would be more suited to your
« Last Edit: February 09, 2020, 03:24:31 AM by xor »

Offline Rich

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Hi xor
... linux is already a command based operating system,
it is not a problem to use it for those who already know the commands! ...
You don't need to know any commands. I listed the exact commands to type.

I took the time to provide you with a way to download the latest ESR from the desktop menu. If you can't be bothered to try it, fine.

I will not modify the existing  firefox_getLatest.tcz.

If any other forum members provide feedback stating they tried the  firefox_getLatestESR.tcz  created by the script attached to
reply #14 and it works as intended, I am willing to create a  .info  file and submit it as a separate extension.

Offline xor

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Thank you very much for your effort.
sometimes people can forget something little.
firefox-ESR is used more.
as if * ESR was left in the background

I am aware that it will take time and effort to update every application instantly.

I just ; I wanted it to be an alternative option on the desktop.
  I wanted the existing "firefox_getLatest.tcz" to go one step further! :(

Hi xor
... linux is already a command based operating system,
it is not a problem to use it for those who already know the commands! ...
You don't need to know any commands. I listed the exact commands to type.

I took the time to provide you with a way to download the latest ESR from the desktop menu. If you can't be bothered to try it, fine.

I will not modify the existing  firefox_getLatest.tcz.

If any other forum members provide feedback stating they tried the  firefox_getLatestESR.tcz  created by the script attached to
reply #14 and it works as intended, I am willing to create a  .info  file and submit it as a separate extension.