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Author Topic: Firefox ESR (Extended Support Release) => FirefoxESR_getLatest.tcz ( Please : )  (Read 11911 times)

Offline xor

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Firefox ESR (Extended Support Release) => FirefoxESR_getLatest.tcz ( Please : )

Offline coreplayer2

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Hello xor

It was never the intention to keep ESR version updated since ESR means Extended Service Release (iirc).  The point of providing an ESR version is to provide a basic browser to download from the repo

I don’t recommend the use of ESR version in any case.    firefox_getLatest doesn’t need an existing Firefox installation to update, better to get latest version initially then use firefox_getLatest each month to get the latest and greatest version.

firefox_getLatest is flexible, the scrip is already capable of getting the latest ESR version or any Firefox version you desire.

Code: [Select]
firefox_getLatest.sh -h for more info

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Offline xor

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Hello xor

It was never the intention to keep ESR version updated since ESR means Extended Service Release (iirc).  The point of providing an ESR version is to provide a basic browser to download from the repo

I don’t recommend the use of ESR version in any case.    firefox_getLatest doesn’t need an existing Firefox installation to update, better to get latest version initially then use firefox_getLatest each month to get the latest and greatest version.

firefox_getLatest is flexible, the scrip is already capable of getting the latest ESR version or any Firefox version you desire.

Code: [Select]
firefox_getLatest.sh -h for more info

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In iso format, I use TCL via sd-card. (I don't use HDD or SSD)

"Firefox ESR" sounds more secure

Offline coreplayer2

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In iso format, I use TCL via sd-card. (I don't use HDD or SSD)
Sorry I don't understand why the storage medium makes a difference..?

"Firefox ESR" sounds more secure
On the contrary, ESR is less secure than the latest version of regular Firefox

Offline neonix

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It would be good to have firefox-ESR.tcz (version 60) ready to download in the repo for beginner users. In this way TC will be more popular. Some new guys may not know how to use firefox_getLatest.sh

Offline coreplayer2

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It would be good to have firefox-ESR.tcz (version 60) ready to download in the repo for beginner users. In this way TC will be more popular. Some new guys may not know how to use firefox_getLatest.sh
Hey Neonix   Are you aware firefox-ESR.tcz is available for download from the repo for new tc’ers not familiar with firefox_getLatest.tcz ?

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Offline neonix

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In T
It would be good to have firefox-ESR.tcz (version 60) ready to download in the repo for beginner users. In this way TC will be more popular. Some new guys may not know how to use firefox_getLatest.sh
Hey Neonix   Are you aware firefox-ESR.tcz is available for download from the repo for new tc’ers not familiar with firefox_getLatest.tcz ?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yes. In TC10 32-bit and 64-bit ther is firefox-ESR 52.1.2 but the latest ESR version is 68. I don't think many users will need FirefoxESR_getLatest.tcz becouse having ready do install version is much more handy. But if there is a volunteer that will create FirefoxESR_getLatest.tcz I also be happy.

Offline coreplayer2

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Yes. In TC10 32-bit and 64-bit ther is firefox-ESR 52.1.2 but the latest ESR version is 68. I don't think many users will need FirefoxESR_getLatest.tcz because having ready do install version is much more handy.
OK so I can update the current repo versions, I am about a year behind on that, my bad.

having ready do install version is much more handy
This is the only reason Firefox-ESR.tcz exists, for those new users who didn't yet understand  the versatility of firefox_getLatest.tcz.   In my vision ESR versions were never intended to be used indefinitely or frequently updated.   Thereafter It's up to the individual to use firefox_getLatest to get the latest version features and security fixes.

But if there is a volunteer that will create FirefoxESR_getLatest.tcz I also be happy.
Are you aware that firefox_getLatest in manual mode can download and install the latest ESR or beta version as well as any prior published versions you desire?  Additionally, If anyone requires to install the latest Firefox-ESR "enterprise" version this can also be achieved using the interactive mode of " firefox_getLatest " extension
Code: [Select]
firefox_getLatest.sh -m
Simply enter the version required, eg: " 68.0.1esr "
Code: [Select]
Repo in use: http://repo.tinycorelinux.net/10.x/x86/tcz
 TCE directory in use: /mnt/sdb3/tc10-x86/optional
 sdb3 has: 12602 MB free space remaining

 Fetching dependencies..
 Verifying connection to server, please wait...
 connection ok

 Enter exact version requested.
 For example to download version 34.0.5 simply type


 at the prompt, then select enter: 68.0.1esr


Offline xor

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Yes. In TC10 32-bit and 64-bit ther is firefox-ESR 52.1.2 but the latest ESR version is 68. I don't think many users will need FirefoxESR_getLatest.tcz because having ready do install version is much more handy.
OK so I can update the current repo versions, I am about a year behind on that, my bad.

having ready do install version is much more handy
This is the only reason Firefox-ESR.tcz exists, for those new users who didn't yet understand  the versatility of firefox_getLatest.tcz.   In my vision ESR versions were never intended to be used indefinitely or frequently updated.   Thereafter It's up to the individual to use firefox_getLatest to get the latest version features and security fixes.

But if there is a volunteer that will create FirefoxESR_getLatest.tcz I also be happy.
Are you aware that firefox_getLatest in manual mode can download and install the latest ESR or beta version as well as any prior published versions you desire?  Additionally, If anyone requires to install the latest Firefox-ESR "enterprise" version this can also be achieved using the interactive mode of " firefox_getLatest " extension
Code: [Select]
firefox_getLatest.sh -m
Simply enter the version required, eg: " 68.0.1esr "
Code: [Select]
Repo in use: http://repo.tinycorelinux.net/10.x/x86/tcz
 TCE directory in use: /mnt/sdb3/tc10-x86/optional
 sdb3 has: 12602 MB free space remaining

 Fetching dependencies..
 Verifying connection to server, please wait...
 connection ok

 Enter exact version requested.
 For example to download version 34.0.5 simply type


 at the prompt, then select enter: 68.0.1esr


There is a concept called user habit.
MicroSoft knows this job very well :)

I hate the keyboard command, :(
WYSIWYG style is simple, clicking with the mouse :-)
less keyboard theme, easier Linux, :) :D
« Last Edit: August 22, 2019, 02:02:38 PM by xor »

Offline xor

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please; except for the command line; for desktop, in mouse options; Can you offer the Firefox-ESR download option! ?

thanks for your effort in advance. :)

Yes. In TC10 32-bit and 64-bit ther is firefox-ESR 52.1.2 but the latest ESR version is 68. I don't think many users will need FirefoxESR_getLatest.tcz because having ready do install version is much more handy.
OK so I can update the current repo versions, I am about a year behind on that, my bad.

having ready do install version is much more handy
This is the only reason Firefox-ESR.tcz exists, for those new users who didn't yet understand  the versatility of firefox_getLatest.tcz.   In my vision ESR versions were never intended to be used indefinitely or frequently updated.   Thereafter It's up to the individual to use firefox_getLatest to get the latest version features and security fixes.

But if there is a volunteer that will create FirefoxESR_getLatest.tcz I also be happy.
Are you aware that firefox_getLatest in manual mode can download and install the latest ESR or beta version as well as any prior published versions you desire?  Additionally, If anyone requires to install the latest Firefox-ESR "enterprise" version this can also be achieved using the interactive mode of " firefox_getLatest " extension
Code: [Select]
firefox_getLatest.sh -m
Simply enter the version required, eg: " 68.0.1esr "
Code: [Select]
Repo in use: http://repo.tinycorelinux.net/10.x/x86/tcz
 TCE directory in use: /mnt/sdb3/tc10-x86/optional
 sdb3 has: 12602 MB free space remaining

 Fetching dependencies..
 Verifying connection to server, please wait...
 connection ok

 Enter exact version requested.
 For example to download version 34.0.5 simply type


 at the prompt, then select enter: 68.0.1esr


Offline xor

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Google translation does not translate what I wrote correctly, I think!

Firefox_getLatest.tcz works fine,
but in desktop mouse options
FirefoxESR does not have an automatic download option.
Must be this option in Firefox_getLatest.tcz
(this should be added to the "desktop" "mouse" "menu" option)

or a new FirefoxESR_getLatest.tcz plug-in must be created.

Hi xor
...  Can you offer the Firefox-ESR download option! ? ...

Offline Rich

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Hi xor
... FirefoxESR does not have an automatic download option. ...
I don't know what you mean by that. This will get you the ESR that we have:
Code: [Select]
tce-load -wi firefox-ESR

Offline xor

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Hi xor
... FirefoxESR does not have an automatic download option. ...
I don't know what you mean by that. This will get you the ESR that we have:
Code: [Select]
tce-load -wi firefox-ESR

what I would like to say !

mouse> 2. key options

To download the latest version of FF-ESR
for an automatic option to arrive


Offline Rich

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Hi xor
... To download the latest version of FF-ESR...
Attached is a script that downloads  firefox_getLatest.tcz, unpacks it, modifies it to fetch the latest FF ESR, and packages
it as  firefox_getLatestESR.tcz

Download the attached file and then:
Code: [Select]
chmod 775 Makefirefox_getLatestESRtcz
cp firefox_getLatestESR/firefox_getLatestESR.tcz /etc/sysconfig/tcedir/optional
echo "firefox_getLatestESR.tcz" >> /etc/sysconfig/tcedir/onboot.lst
rm -rf firefox_getLatestESR
tce-load -i firefox_getLatestESR

Your desktop menu should now have a  firefox_getLatestESR  option.

for an automatic option to arrive
Did you mean  automatic update ?  If you want to update Firefox, you need to run  firefox_getLatestESR  again.