Hello. After some interrupted development, I am happy to post a new version of the flPicSee image viewer for you to try. As the topic title says, this version now supports multiple-image viewing, one-at-a-time. You may specify multiple files on the command-line, and if there is more than one, "hotspots" are enabled on the left and right side of the main image window. If you move the mouse toward one of these areas, a black rectangle with a large 3d-style black triangle appears, along with a modified tooltip that indicates which file is next. You may click on the hotspot or use the right-click menu options to page to the next or previous image in the set.
Example 1: flpicsee foo.jpg bar.gif *.png
(Will let you page through foo.jpg, bar.gif, and all the .png files in the current directory)
Here's another neat feature... if you specify a directory instead of a file on the command-line, flPicSee scans through the directory and adds all the files that look like (based on the file extensions) image files to the viewing set.
Example 2: flpicsee .
(Will let you page through all of the files that are known image types in the current working directory)
Example 2: flpicsee /home/tc
(Will let you page through all of the files that are known image types in the home directory)
You can even mix and match different directories and files in the command line.
If you start flPicSee with no arguments, the file chooser still opens, but in this full vesion, you may select multiple files (at least in one directory).
This new version was tested with ROX-Filer, and if you set up flPicSee as a "send to" target, you can right-click on a directory folder icon, or a previously-selected group of files, select "send to" and flpicsee will start up with multi-image viewing as if you entered those items on the command line.
This full version is about 18.8 KB. Note: This version is only tested on version 2.0 (not 2.1 or 2.2rc!) of TinyCore.
1) The Alt+Key combos listed in the right-click menu don't work. (I also notice that Alt+Key combos don't work in Geany editor either, so I don't think this is just a problem in flPicSee. Do other people have problems with key combos in other apps? Is there a fix?)
2) If your image files don't have the proper expected file extensions, flPicSee may refuse or fail to open them.
3) The file chooser dialog box in flPicSee will not let you select a directory. You may click into the directory and select multiple files from that directory, though.
roberts: The make file allows you to build a stripped-down version (very similar to the earlier versions of flPicSee), but the basic executable is a bit bigger (12.8 KB) than before, so for now, you may not want to upgrade. I might be able to streamline the system a bit more so the basic build is about the same size as previously. I still don't have the "set as background" feature developed.
I'll post the .tce and associated package files here, and the source and build files later in this topic thread.
All: Let me know if you have any problems with this version.
Mike Lockmoore
[^thehatsrule^: removed attachments, see guidelines; also, there was really no need to make 3 posts
