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Author Topic: Arm6 piCore-11.0beta1a release fails with kernel panic(piCore-11.0alpha1a boots)  (Read 10190 times)

Offline piCoreUser1

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Code: [Select]
wget http://distro.ibiblio.org/tinycorelinux/11.x/armv6/test_releases/RPi/piCore-11.0beta1a.zip
Boot fails with a kernel panic.

Checked twice.

Code: [Select]
wget http://distro.ibiblio.org/tinycorelinux/11.x/armv6/test_releases/RPi/piCore-11.0alpha1a.zip
Successful Boot

Please confirm if you agree there is a problem with this release?

Armv7 - All good.

Same SD card used for both alpha and beta releases.

Offline Twist

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Agreed, as mentioned here by me too.

I think the problem is with the initrd (11.0beta1a.gz) as it can't even be copied as a file.

Offline bmarkus

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I'm on vacation in the next two weeks away from my Pi's. I will check it when I return home.

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Offline MrPorcine

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I've got this running on a 3B+, runs OK. Loaded the Xorg server, it worked out of the box. I'm using the official touch screen, touch support is not working. I have "dtoverlay=rpi-ft5406" in my config.txt. It's been a while since I've configured a new version, am I missing something? A USB mouse works. USB keyboard works. In fact, I can load my X11 application and it works fine as well, other than the touch screen. It's a graphics client for a remote server, so the network stuff is working as well. I've used the armv7 branch.

checking lsmod, the rpi-ft5406 module is not loaded.
« Last Edit: April 30, 2020, 08:00:43 PM by MrPorcine »

Offline Juanito

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afaik, rpi-ft5406.ko and rpi_backlight.ko are required for the official touch screen.

The piCore-11.x kernel source contains:
Code: [Select]

..I can see the overlay is present, rpi_backlight.ko is present, but not the kernel driver?

Offline Rich

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Hi Juanito
... linux-rpi-4.19.81/drivers/input/touchscreen/rpi-ft5406.c ...
That is the source for the kernel driver, isn't it?
« Last Edit: May 01, 2020, 08:44:58 AM by Rich »

Offline Juanito

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Correct - I don't have the kernel .config to know if rpi-ft5406.ko was compiled or not, but I don't see it anywhere.

Offline Rich

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Hi Juanito
OK, I misunderstood what the issue was.

Offline MrPorcine

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I'm somewhat confused - maybe someone can help. I used the image here when I tested the touchscreen above: http://www.tinycorelinux.net/11.x/armv7/test_releases/RPi/piCore-11.0beta1a.zip. As you pointed out, this image does not have the rpi-ft5406.ko.gz module included.

I then downloaded the sources from this directory: http://www.tinycorelinux.net/11.x/armv7/releases/RPi/src/kernel/. I also picked up the script to make the kernel and modules. I went ahead and made the kernel and modules with the script. All went well.

Here's my confusion. The kernel I built is not the same as the kernel in the image. For one thing, the image has -piCore-v7 in the ID, the kernel that I built only defines -v7. It also looks like resulting build has a lot more modules. So it appears that I'm using the wrong .config. Is there another place to pick up the right config file?

« Last Edit: May 02, 2020, 06:47:54 PM by MrPorcine »

Offline Rich

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Hi MrPorcine
The dirver (rpi-ft5406.ko) is present in  modules.tar.gz  found here:

It is also present in the  ARMv6  and  ARMv7l  versions.

Offline MrPorcine

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OK , I got the touchscreen working. I took the shortcut as you suggested and just inserted the pre-compiled module into the filesystem image. This worked.

For another part of this project I will need to modify the kernel more extensively. So if I can find the .config that was used to create the version on the default image it will make my life a little easier.

Offline Rich

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Hi MrPorcine
... I took the shortcut as you suggested ...
It's not a shortcut. If you can't find a kernel module in the base system, that's the place to check if it was compiled for your kernel.
If it's listed in  modules.order , then it was built as a kernel module. If it's listed in  modules.builtin , then it's already built into the
kernel and should load automatically. If it's not listed in either file, it wasn't built.

Offline Pacca

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Code: [Select]
wget http://distro.ibiblio.org/tinycorelinux/11.x/armv6/test_releases/RPi/piCore-11.0beta1a.zip
Boot fails with a kernel panic.

Checked twice.

Code: [Select]
wget http://distro.ibiblio.org/tinycorelinux/11.x/armv6/test_releases/RPi/piCore-11.0alpha1a.zip
Successful Boot

Please confirm if you agree there is a problem with this release?

Armv7 - All good.

Same SD card used for both alpha and beta releases.
I am experiencing the kernel panic failure as well. I tried piCore 11.0 beta 1a with Raspberry Pi Zero. How can I solve the problem? Thanks!

Offline Juanito

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I can unzip the armv6 piCore-11.0beta1a.zip and mount both partitions without error, but then I get this:
Code: [Select]
$ cp /tmp/image/11.0beta1a.gz /tmp
cp: read error: Input/output error
$ zcat /tmp/image/11.0beta1a.gz | sudo cpio -i -H newc -d
zcat: no gzip/bzip2/xz magic

I don't get any errors with 11.0beta1av7.gz or 11.0beta1av7l.gz, so I'd say the initrd is corrupted.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2020, 03:52:50 AM by Juanito »

Offline Juanito

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I've made an attempt to reconstruct the piCore-11.0beta1a initrd, which can be found here:


I'd be grateful if somebody could test it on an RPi0/RPi1 - the existing file on your sd card needs to be over-written with the new one to test.