Got my UEFI-only box that has the capability to boot from an onboard micro sd-card slot to work with CorePure64 - BUT in an unusual way.
Warning - the following is an impromptu exploratory hack .. not from someone who truly knows what he is doing.

Environment: I wiped Windows 10 from my little coaster computer's eMMC, a Wintel 8 Pro and put a Debian Live Raspberry-Pi-Desktop on it. Ok, boots fine. In fact, it will also boot fine from a micro-sd card when directed to boot from that. Ok.
That computer also boots a usb-stick which I made following Juanitos dual-boot for UEFI instructions, although I left out the dual-boot part. Just uefi only. Works great.
However, there seems to be no mmcblk filesystem support after boot. (Unless I'm just missing something in grub.cfg?)
Fine - no mmcblk support means I won't accidentally wipe out my Debian RPD desktop on the internal eMMC.
THE BOOT HACK:I just dd'ed the working bootable corepure64 usb stick to a micro-sd card. IT BOOTS!
I'm a little freaked out thinking that UUID's might be messed up now being on a dd'ed micro-sd card, but it seemed to pull though anyway.
HOWEVER: with no mmcblk support, of course after boot it can't find my TCE directory on the micro-sd. BUT, it was easy enough to reboot, but this time have my working usb-stick attached, which does have the tce directory, but only use it for persistance and not booting - leaving that chore to the micro-sd card.
In other words, this is kind of neat - similar to read-only cd type operations - the micro-sd card boots corepure64, but immediately afterwards, you just can't mess with it because there is no filesystem support. Ie, there is NO chance to mess with it once boot is over.
Ie, I can't mess up my internal eMMC. Nor can I mess up my micro-sd card mmc device either!
I kind of find this a fascinating option not having (or me not configuring it properly) any mmc support. But it will boot corepure64 from one on my uefi only box, even though I have to treat it like a cd kind of environment.