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Starting out with Tinycore Linux
Hello there Forum members.
Your last pos (reply) is indeed a good help. There is a "anomali" for me in understanding (Dyslexia).
Somehow then the "Universal" storage system is indeed acting a dual role. WHere-upon it is executing a live operating system's snapshotted remembered state (ongoing).....
while also it is performing a memory service for GUI top level user APPS interactions and DATA project files which users create with apps (Saving them in the Universal USB drive)
Most appreciated the forum has bothered to reply.
There are some pen drives at work. Many of you forum members may relate to often keeping masses of "information and data" with just a "what if" paradigm. That can result in, ........... what if there are no devices available because they are all filled with what i just previously mentioned.
Partitioning and such can sort of be very intrusive to computing systems. It's just a shame there is a simple way that existing media devices can just "mount" tinycore in a protected sort of virtual thing while everything remaining stays safe on the existing machine.
The best thing is "perhaps" as recommended that "Into the Core" is easiest understanding......well sure.
While it's with reference to general usefulness of a desktop comp for opening and creating projects with Tools and saving the data. Ability to return to that point .
While Information exists. It's valuable , Right.
The idea that TiCL would do an auxiliary extra (extra) mirroring of data and states.......well .
(my earlier correspondence will point you to the global flaw with all domicile and office based computer system in existence ........ they don't contain any second physical mirrored drive.
(it's economy really......reason why)
core2usb great Title. (freemium)
While there is a means..........there is a way.
Hello the Forum,
Right. So the new user named starts with machine.
That will include a drive. True.
1) Boots Tinycore and that is corect until power recycle (The system hasn't done any useful computing or retained services or data.
2) The user follows forum advice , but machine in question warns "don't partition drives or re-size them particularly when it's a C drive of M___t.
3) The points above in 2 and 1 . Compiound the issue of said situation.
Essentially TinyC won't go onto existing Msoft machines. without very great risk to existing systems.
what has occurred to me is having extra storage Physical a way forward.
The optical drives are burners and shame that the incremental state of Tinycore (itself) could not be snap shotted forward(s) burned onto a CD disc and read back. (on each new subsequent boot--up )
There isn't a big deal with any systems other than the competition to take complete control over.....of the said hardware.
The systems here are multiples there-of. They are sort of block chained and run many live instances of Virtual machines off the same single hardware ......a Bare-metal Level ONE .........hypervisor
Amazing to find here that GPU chips.... system(s) for many of the the worlds Laptops are designed in my city.
THere could be an APP that can remember TinyC states to the cloud. Then on power down---and back up, of TCL that APP retrieves the last snap shot and populates TCL settings to recent state..... It's just a file isn't it.
Can't TCL put things into an NTFS won't in any way affiliate with global existing EN-MASS systems.......?
Whike TCL is amazing with the totally sterile clean states of it's repeated population of hardware upon start up ( no viruses are possible) ..........imho's nothing short of amazing.
Thx again. Still trying........thanks
Hello Forum
well having done reading INTO THE CORE
it's very scary indeed.
Sections on.....
0)creating or selecting partitions.
1)marking partitions as active or such
2) loading bootloaders. etc...........................O__0............... all honestly, it looks to me that for any new prospective TCL users, it will just render their existing Large Copr OS machines (no names mentioned) into totally broken machines.....
They didn't want TCL as a was to be "additional" OS to an already functioning hardware computer with OS that they have......right
they will likely loose ALL of their DATA and OS while just
wanting to have an experimental OS like TCL and have it "remember" like normal computers do....
God only hopes the forum are not recommending this .........."GUIDE"----------> to the gallows.........for any of the global prospective new tcl users. ........."into the core".......
it's the sections around adjusting internal machine drives............... which are so very very dangerous.
This is serious. When your tcl licence. says "we are not responsible for anything" your missing that your likely responsible for trashing a lot of innocent prospective TCL users machines...... who already had a good working machine............and simply wanted to try the addition TCL OS.........
This is simply wrong. The assumption, perhaps,..., of initially empty machines..... is flawed and non realistic.
God.... a publication (Contents) which to masses of prospective new tcl users could be fatal for their existing working machines many have suffered that...?.....TOTAL loss of ALL DATA and existing OS is distinct possibility and greatly likely in my humble opinion the many that may have suffered it.
You MUST address that publication with explicit warnings that TOTAL LOSS of ALL DATA and OS is a distinct possibility (partition tables) from just a single wrong mouse click (or actually from even just following instruction) ....
......and it's WRONG to assume that newcomers will know any better about the WOES of what your innocently inferring they should be clicking at (Bootlooaders etc)..... partition tables
ps...........i am not asking for you opinions here.
Hello Forum,
Please take note of earlier correspondence.
With respects, there IS a solution to simple usage of TCL for newcomers.
The solution seems to be tucked away,... as perhaps it's just not too familiar to Forum.
On TCL versions of 6.xx and perhaps others too......the apps list contains an app called
The app, while very old, has managed to allow this computers NTFS hard drive to be WRITTEN
to from Tinycore . (Thus allowing Tinycore to remember stuff on power -recycles)
The app is very simple to use.
This seems to be a very simple way of using TCL when approaching TCL as a newcomer
with an existing Large Corp OS machine......and not wanting to go into dangerous territory's
(see earlier correspondence)
This method has hitherto remained unknown to me least.............until here.
While "ntfs-3g.tcz" is a very old app it has worked here on a production machine from 2013 with SSD drive
For those that don't know the app may help the Forum in advising newcomers to TCL
that there IS, infact, a very simple method to use TCL almost right out of the box
on a single contained machine. Without any disturbing alterations or any low level partition tables or bootloaders activity.....or pen drives....or removable drives etc.
(This method will also allow Tinycore to actually remember stuff on power re-cycles ...
"like any useful computing device absolutely must do")
If there were icons on the TCL gui directing people to this app (as an option) and a line of text saying what to do. In theory life would be a great deal easier for them.
With respects, it is also noted that "tinycore installer" seems to offer to install itself to a usb connected smartphone. (mass storage device). Although there is a little hand holding needed
to probably realize that installation ......... as the tcl installer GUI is a little conflicting in nature,
(i am unsure if it totally works. It lists SDA in the installer GUI , where-as the physical drives inside the machine are listed as SDA 1, SDA 2, SDA 3.........therefor perhaps SDA is indeed the connected USB mass storage smarphone....?
In that case TCL should be able to be installed to a handheld smartphone and booted from it
...........and also be able to remember stuff............otherwise i miss-interpreted the installer GUI.
That is that.
Hi, cast-fish!
I don't recommend You and other newcomers to try to install TC on your smartphone sdcard. Installation process includes writing bootloader binary data directly into boot sector of media, and such operation applied to the smart's flash disk probably:
1. will be imposssible and rejected
2. or will destroy flash disk partition and make smart inoperable, and may be cause impossibility to restore with convenient means.
May be android gurus know the ways to achieve such a goal, but i believe, this is not a good way for newcomers.
So for fast and easy start we do need some seperate flash drive or SD-card. But modern flash media have enough capacity to store whole TC installation, extensions and user data, so any other storage is needed only to extend your boot drive, and of course can be of any type, maybe including NTFS partitions ( i personally haven't tried, so can not insist ).
Best wishes!
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