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Starting out with Tinycore Linux
Hello Forum members,
Mostly, as being a windz user here i fgured it would be the Typical situation of a Global windows user
flipping to try some alternative (such as tinycore Liniux)
My inerests have prooved affective and Tinycore has come from Media-CD and booted on x86
Intl machine to Desktop.
When Later , the same success occurs and the CD disc boots to Tinycore Desktop .........however non of the previous apps are present. The basic boot is the standard default as if the Laptop is not remembering anything.
This seems very strange indeed. (since the purpose of any computer is to service a device storage and compute ON DATA environment. That is what computers are purposely designed for as a device(s).
Further reading a Wiki (which my standard machine actually "remembers") is affording me the ability to realize that Tinycore Linux can't store it's state or any
data at all (as default).?
With that in mind it's interesting that Tinycore isn't actually requiring a non-volatile memory device to operate.
It therefor occurred to me that it's a world wide web Terminal. Therefor one can use the "cloud" devices to memorize DATA ......however Tinycore's OWN state, isn't stored.
Further to this it became apparent there are modes of Tinycore usage.
So how does a user get permanent snap shot of it's state? Tinycore. Incrimental snapshot?
When the mass computer using populus will need to segregate the machines Hard Drive especially for Tinycore to even work as a regular computer (see above)
This segregation is very Low level ....where-upon the devices existing systems are at great risk from delicate partition tables editing (aspects and others)
?..........with several serious warnings issued of how risky this process IS.
The odd thing is that Tinycore distibutions media ......isn't a storage environment either ( CD disc) ....and so i can't see from reading What a user is
supposed to realize in an attempt to realize a usable computing environment
from Tinycore.
My hard disc can't be edited at the whim of an Operating system experiment.
What other systems afford the ability for Tinycore to work as a useful usable
computing environment with storage memory?
Can another external Drive be used....?.....
Ofcourse, since this is ONE Laptop and a CD disc. There is only it's internal HDD
which is storage. (see above)
Will i USB smart phone work as a removable media for Tinycore persistence?
(it is a USB flash well as a cell phone)
That is what's here.
Tinycore Looks to be worth asking.
Hi, cast-fish!
Too many questions ) to be answered in one shot. Most of them has positive answers, some negative. I advice to you load and read "Into the Core' book, written by TinyCore authors @curaga and @Juanito. You can load it from site section "Book". It is written in very clear, comprehensive and in the same time inspiring manner, lot of your questions will find their answers in this great book.
Good luck!
Jazzbiker and all forum members.
a free publication...
Into the Core (Not many things in life are free, ........well apart from brand new fully featured computer systems in the palm of your hand that leave Tinycore (..... pre-historic ....the Neolithic in age.....nature)
With Languages as a barrier the book could only pertain slightly (maybe google translate , ..... meaning to say , using computing technology it could be read. That ofcourse, wouldn't be a Tinycore computer though,
for sure....since it wouldn't remember where in the publications------- one had reached......(hmmmm.....)
(see the OP)
The introductory wiki does not answer the post addition.
I believe that..... Into The Core "in a round about way" ...ithe wiki ......repeated.
Mostly the issue is with Tinycore itself.....not the user.(s)........Nor is it with the hardware.
(my point in the OP......)
The forum is also an issue here.... , since the wiki directly refers new users to a somewhat "control
loop" of having to contact the forums. Tinycore won't work for new users as a normal computing device
out of the box........though forum have been told many times.....nothing has been taken onboard
(too busy......) .......i hear..............(fixing the existing Tinycore' the busyness Loop of all this forums endeavour......
...........does help though. Further understanding...............hmmm
So, yes Jazzbiker (all forum members,........Where-upon contacting the forum has been done...,----above---and the answer has not been forthcoming.... on simple topic.......... TC as an OS and it's
forum and wiki fail to address the OP.
Jazzbiker, it's not Luck that i need Sir(madam) with regard to computers. Though i appreciate your sentiments..................don't worry about that.
The question in the OP is very minimal indeed and should have
been responded to in a timely manner Tinycore new stock (people) need it.
These postings have wasted more resources, curtosy of TC forum.....more than it takes me to rebuild entire computing systems from the ground up from scratch .........., with software stacks and apps and user bases for their enjoyment and consumption of those utilities and computing services.
The community forums can be helpful but their lack of knowledge and qualifications in computing
is shocking.
I can only presume that people are too busy really. That is fair enough (are they busy fixing Tinycore?)
(i''m humouring the Forum, since
That will inevitably waste even more of their time figuring out resources not afforded (not) on their own forum. Systemic Failure.
The USB device was YOUR clue.
There is a great hardware service called "xtra PC" which maybe is something to look into.
It's Just mostly dead wood novices around the block here. That OP of mine is threatening to the paradigm of Tinycore and also it's adopters. This is just too much to contemplate. .....that their system is flawed. But it's free .....we know..........ha
re-read and refer to earlier correspondence.
All these references to literature that is ------ prehistoric in nature---- is a bit indicative of the forum.
should be obscifated into price tags on brand new state of the art computing systems in the palm of one's
With respect to the forum(s) members, i also would like to refer you all, to reading a BSc in computing science. We will see who comes back first place....?
non regards (and that's Free....)
--- Quote from: jazzbiker on November 08, 2019, 03:23:43 AM ---written by TinyCore authors @curaga and @Juanito.
--- End quote ---
Actually just @curaga with help from others listed in the book :)
Hi there, cast-fish. As you are a Windows user, as am I, search for core2usb. Once on your PC core2usb-1.6.exe allows you to write any Tiny Core iso to a USB device. Boot to the thumbdrive. Any applications you install will install to the thumbdrive and be on the thumbdrive when you boot to it again (provided you shut down with the GUI and leave Backup selected.
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