Hello there,
Trying to port is a (Squeezlite) compatability advantage.
Just the nature of Lin is distro specific.
Maintaining ones own systems is a labor of love
whille more-over compounds complexity.
All user based systems should have multiM and audio
as standard working from outset.
So, whatever your doing bases itself on the solidity
of Knowledge......your aims and reasonable desire.
There are many free distro's specific to applying multimedia
and such endevours as Audio. Very custom and unique.
my point is.....your don't have to make something
which already exists.
Kx studio _______ "Distro" Free custom to multi-media audio.
ps .....Also there are extremely high level free Audio apps for ARM based disro's ____ Arch64 distro___
also (Ardour app) ..........
Many high end Audio production environments exist for ARM and Rasp Pi low cost computer including
"Reaper" plus Traktion (Waveform) There are also high end professional auxiliary ARM based libraries of Audio plug-ins (synths etc) for those systems. )