General TC > Tiny Core Netbooks

Totem Player not working

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cute curtis:
Sorry I'm lost is this a command? Didn't see in --help

--- Code: ---tc@box:~$ Usage:
  totem [OPTION?] - Play movies and songs

Help Options:
  -h, --help                        Show help options
  --help-all                        Show all help options
  --help-gst                        Show GStreamer Options
  --help-gtk                        Show GTK+ Options

Application Options:
  --debug                           Enable debug
  --play-pause                      Play/Pause
  --play                            Play
  --pause                           Pause
  --next                            Next
  --previous                        Previous
  --seek-fwd                        Seek Forwards
  --seek-bwd                        Seek Backwards
  --volume-up                       Volume Up
  --volume-down                     Volume Down
  --mute                            Mute sound
  --fullscreen                      Toggle Fullscreen
  --toggle-controls                 Show/Hide Controls
  --quit                            Quit
  --enqueue                         Enqueue
  --replace                         Replace
  --display=DISPLAY                 X display to use

--- End code ---

Hi cute curtis
If you use:

--- Code: ---totem --help-all
--- End code ---
you should see some more options.

gnome-session starts the gnome desktop environment - I wouldn't particularly recommend it as it pulls in hundreds of extensions..

cute curtis:
Hi, why I'm getting overlapping file browser when saving/ uploading files, is this about Xorg?

Are you asking why the file open/file save dialogue window goes off the bottom of the screen?

If so, this seems to be a problem with most gnome apps when used outside the gnome desktop.


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