General TC > Tiny Core Netbooks

Totem Player not working

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I tested totem with gnome-session in CorePure64 and the "+" button lets me choose a local video file, but will not display it anywhere so I cannot play it.

This being said, any video file saved under ~/Videos will be displayed automatically by totem - this is because they are indexed by the tracker data miner. You can also select another location for tracker to index recursively (for example, /mnt/sdb1/media) and all video files found there will also be displayed automatically.

Unfortunately the above doesn't help you in 32-bit tinycore, so you are stuck with launching totem and the video you wish to play from the cli.

(Interestingly, with the dleyna* extensions loaded, I can watch apple movie trailers, euronews, etc and play videos streamed from my local media streamer -  the totem youtube search does not work though.)

cute curtis:

--- Quote ---alsamixer  is provided by  alsa.tcz:
--- End quote ---

Rich I think I need alsamixer-gui because mine still muted, back in days when I installed alsamixer-gui my audio output automatically muted

--- Quote ---As I think was mentioned previously, totem will only play full screen in the gnome environment (CorePure64 only).

--- End quote ---

Juanito what I mean is I cannot maximize nor expand the window, still stuck to default

--- Quote ---Unfortunately the above doesn't help you in 32-bit tinycore, so you are stuck with launching totem and the video you wish to play from the cli.
--- End quote ---

Is it the TC11 the cause of this why I'm able to play videos by just selecting from any location when I was in TC10 as you can see in my previous messages?

--- Quote ---(Interestingly, with the dleyna* extensions loaded, I can watch apple movie trailers, euronews, etc and play videos streamed from my local media streamer -  the totem youtube search does not work though.)
--- End quote ---

can't find this extension

If you load alsa-config before alsa, sound is usually un-muted - you can also use alsamixer to un-mute and then save the settings.

totem was updated from 3.8.2 in tc-10 to 3.26.2 in tc-11, which probably accounts for the difference in behaviour.

The dleyna extensions are in CorePure64.


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