Thank you very much, Rich. Your last suggestion worked on all systems I tested, even on wife's Vaio:
eileen@vaio:~$ LANG=C xinput --list | cut -d\[ -f1 | grep -i keyboard | egrep -iv 'virtual|video|button|bus' | egrep -o 'id=[0-9]+' | egrep -o '[0-9]+'
Cutting out the slave/master column at far right was key. Very nice. Thank you.
I will look over the link and educate myself.
for non-English keyboards,
(automatic keyboard recognition feature),
Will there be a new standard feature for TCL !?
I want this feature to be a standard feature.
In my country "Q" keyboard and "F" keyboard are used equally.
automatically localized keyboard settings,
Provides a universal convenience for all local regions!