Unbelievable - pcc started in 70ties,
are working for near a half of a century?
Gosh ! Déjà vu or what !! Raised from the dead

thanks for the heads-up.
I dont go quite that far back ! Just to DOS on a 286 a year or two before Windows3.11 was
inflicted on introduced to the world.
Back to topic :-
He also reported many other distros with recent kernels fail, options.
Yes, the latest Mint was one of them that failed.
I have just tried a Mint from 2015 and that boots ok,
( in fact I was using it to torrent (Transmission) an older Ubuntu, all was going well until it ran out of disk space with 65MB to go in the 2.08 GB iso ! grrr )
we seem to have determined that it is not a TinyCore problem -it is more widespread.
so this isnt really on topic any more is it

Not sure what to do next, one of the famous attributes of Linux is its ability to run on older systems

And its ability to make small USB recovery drives ( to rescue Win**s et al !) perhaps I should go looking at those ?
Surely I can not be the only one in the world to have an old PC that isnt now supported ? !
Thanks to you all for sorting me out, at least I can run some Linux and have not (yet ! ) run away tearing my hair out, lol!