it would be a little hard for him.
Just a little above my pay grade at the moment*

but watching with interest. Thanks for investigating, all very interesting.
[OT *the last time I did any compiling was with TCC when Kernighan & Ritchie were still in short trousers LOL! /OT]
He also reported many other distros with recent kernels fail,
Yes, very curious, I'll have another look at them later. Later because my three USBsticks are
(A) Raspberry (<-I think they have not udated the PC desktop since 2016)
(B) CP8.2.1
both working so I will keep them untouched,
and (C) corrupted and unwritable !

dont know what I did to it but I need more sticks now before I can experiment further !
I did some gooling on " i915 " and there were quite a few hits - including Kernel failures I think, but all from a few years ago and I didnt understand. ( My brain is still too full of Win***s and needs a defrag I think
