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Author Topic: Found an Instant Messenger with PFS: www.wire.com  (Read 5526 times)

Offline chattrhand

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Found an Instant Messenger with PFS: www.wire.com
« on: July 30, 2019, 10:12:53 AM »
Hello TinyCore Community,
I was looking for an easy-to-use encrypted messenger, and I found one:  www.wire.com.

There are warnings to use PGP or GnuPG any longer,- too old-aged and too many security holes.

Wire is a rather new German-Swiss project. It uses PerfectForwardSecrecy and therefore is independent from the spying giant octopuses like Google, FB, Amazon, Apple, M$, Intel... There are apps for Windows, MacOS, Linux (experimental) iOS, Android and also directly on Browsers like Firefox or Chromium.

I successfully tried Wire on TinyCore10.1, SliTaz, LinuxMint, Manjaro: on Firefox (actually 68.0.1) and UMatrix as the only AddOn. For the other systems that I do not have I hope that somebody of this group would take the time to try it out.

The first installation of Wire needs a desktop/laptop (NO android/iOS) and your email address for reference. The most secure mail provider for me is posteo.de, as it is actually one of the few that use PFS per default. With your help (Thanks!) I found that Xorg-7.7.tcz has to be added to send mails with appendices via  posteo.de. This is also required for  Wire.

Wire is easy to install:
Enter   wire.com/en  or  wire.com/de  on your browser and read about the topics
In the menu click on the blue  LOGIN  and enter your email address for reference.
Enter a "good" password (keepassx password manager is strongly recommended) and explore the possibilities of Wire.

If you forget your password, you are sent a RESET link to your mail address.
If you use several computers or even system sticks every LOGIN is counted as a new machine; if their number exceeds 8 you are prompted to delete one (therefore you need your password, so be your keepassx open)
To close Wire simply close your firefox (tab).

Thanks for your attention.
TinyCore, SliTaz, LinuxMint, Tails, Mac ...

Offline chattrhand

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Re: Found an Instant Messenger with PFS: www.wire.com
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2019, 02:01:08 PM »
Hello TinyCore Community

Here some results of my investigations with  www.wire.com

On TinyCoreLinux with Firefox-getLatest or Firefox-ESR, use uMatrix instead of NoScript
 - the best and fastest system for wire, on an USB-Stick it can be run everywhere.

Installed and run it as a genuine app on LinuxMint 18.3 with an entry of its own in the main menu
 - it looks almost same as if running on a web browser
 - about 20 European Languages are available (En/De/Fr/It/Es ... but not all is translated)
 - a very good reference installation

On SliTaz Rolling with Firefox (newest edition) .
 - Monthly re-install (or whenever firefox is renewed)
 - can be combined with TinyCore installation

On Knoppix 82/85 with Firefox ESR or Chromium.
 - Needs some config work after start, but is very comfortable!

On Manjaro rolling,- refused to work on Firefox,- Chromium only!

As Chromium is under control of Google,- know what you're doing!

TinyCore, SliTaz, LinuxMint, Tails, Mac ...