Hello, TC users and developers. I'd like to help TC in whatever way I can. But first a little introduction:
My name is Bruno Dantas. I am a medical doctor (pathologist), father of 3 (so far), 41 years-old, dual citizen of Brazil and USA. I currently live in New Jersey, USA.
I used GNU/Linux on my personal laptop for 11 years. First Arch, then Debian, then Devuan. I have become increasingly minimalistic, tired of bloat, attracted to the idea of a sharp distinction between the base system and user add-ons. So for the past year I have been using OpenBSD on my personal laptop. Wife still uses Devuan and our netbook-turned-router will always use some variety of GNU/Linux (for networking, I am much more comfortable with Linux tools than OpenBSD tools).
Our netbook-turned-router was running Trisquel x86 but I realized it was WAY bloated for my taste. So two weeks ago I decided to try putting Tiny Core Linux on it...
After using OpenBSD for a year, I didn't think I would ever stumble upon a more elegant and minimalistic OS (especially in GNU/Linux land). I have to say that TC was a big surprise. I am floored that someone would even attempt building something so radically modular and minimalistic. Hats off to Robert Shingledecker. I am humbled by his creativity and daring. Some minds live on a higher plane.
I've been wanting to rave about TC ever since I found it, but wife doesn't want to hear it and my children are too little to understand. I feel better now

Now that I've properly introduced myself, back to the point. How can I help? I am an expert at shell scripting and general system administration of UNIX-like OSes. Fairly confident with compilation and packaging (I packaged newest openvpn and sort-of-packaged vbetool for my TC netbook-turned-router). I have working knowledge of python and perl programming, but am weak on compiled languages. I can also contribute financially. Please let me know how I can help.