Bummer - that simple trick of moving grub.cfg to the root of the drive did not work for both of my boxes. Performed this operation in Linux, and not on windows, which surprise - didn't work either.
(And yes, the notepad editor in an up to date win 10 box will properly read/write in the unix format.)
Somewhat frustrating because as we know, the ISO is not usable out of the box for those unix users thinking an isohybrid is going to work with "dd". The only thing that results in is a virtual iso9660 cd format on a usb stick.

Some notes comparing the current iso to the minimal listing above:
Does it matter if the GRUB directory is NOT capitalized, but lower case in the iso?
The iso is also missing these elements:
insmod all_video
insmod efi.gop <--- from earlier research on a good manual install
Search path: Entirely missing from iso.
But I guess I understand as that has to be customized by the end user for each machine setup they intend to put it on.
Example: both of my uefi only boxes boot from mmcblk devices. However, to boot from a usb stick, they are represented as /dev/sda, so the generic release to the repos is for /dev/sdb, assuming there is already an sda device onboard?
Welcome to UUID's. Problem is catch 22 for those not already running a linux distro to get the blkid -s UUID tool.

Not complaining, just trying to wrap my head around what might be an easter-egg hunt caused by uefi-only hardware.
Note: To be accurate, RUFUS is not a 3rd-party bootloader. It does NOT modify or add anything additional beyond what the original iso creator released. It's sole purpose is to burn the supplied iso. Your only major choices are to burn in either mbr or gpt format. gpt for us uefi-folk naturally. Then, the only other choice is either iso or dd mode. DD mode with tc results in a cd-on-a-stick, which we know won't boot a uefi-only mode machine, so iso mode is the one, and is seen properly in Gparted for example.
Yet it is still up to the user to modify his grub search path. Thus the fail with Rufus. It is not designed to "know" about a distro - if the necessary info isn't there, Rufus won't magically supply it.
YUMI-UEFI - this IS different. It uses it's own bootloader to burn TinyCore initially, and then get it's necessary grub.cfg from the TinyCore iso itself. This method does result in a "hands off" kind of user-built stick without having to know UUID's etc - provided that the user knows that the usual TC directories are now in slightly different places. Of course you can do UUID's later if you want - but the point is, you WILL boot initially.
Just didn't want to start a finger-pointing war - TC rocks, but these burners and alternate bootloaders aren't stupid either.