i agree, in the end it's all about time spent/lost.
it all depends on what kind of software you're going to run, how many dependencies there will be, how much those overlap, we often speak of dependency hell for good reasons.
i don't like the overhead of docker most of the time, i don't like having one docker per application most of the time, etc., still i see how sometimes downloading and running a docker thing will take less time than piecing everything together manually in your plain distribution. especially on tinycorelinux you often have much less available packages or some outdated stuff (on debian you also have that latter problem, sometimes even worse than tcl;)).
some compile everything that doesn't exist or work manually and upload it to the distro's package collection,
some get around by running multiple distributions in parallel and taking as much as possible from what's already there,
and then some try to do everything with docker, but docker packages also don't exist for every package!

so yeah, it depends.
try it out if you're really curious. i avoid all this stuff as much as i can, haha.
short while ago when others decided for me, i used "anaconda", for that numpy jupyter notebook software package dump...
funnily enough it ran very well on tinycorelinux, while all the others who came with windows had weird problems bec. of some random software version differences and some resulting dependency hell. also it didn't work at all inside my alpine chroot - because it had the wrong libc (from musl).
try to be pragmatic about it and try to reuse provenly working setups when you can, but don't depend on it, most of the time you'll stumble over something and you regret trying and either it would have taken less time to do it all manual, or the total time is the failed first approach PLUS the revert to manual approach. it's a mess, haha.
of course i doubt it helps that there is now thousands of competing container tools, package collectoins, distros, package managers, virtualization methods, etc. etc., cause this is just scattering all the ressources and nobody works together into the same direction.
but yeah, that's freedom and open-source, also some people are even admitting they are delibirately building walled gardens, so those are also corporations with their strategies and some egocentric individuals in your way