Ok, but when i starting Xorg7.7 i expecting to see black screen and a cursor, but i see only a black screen. On the Virtual box i had a cursor, but on a laptop - not.
I tried to config the Xorg by typing "sudo Xorg -configure" and that is what i get:
"modprobe:module fbcon not found in modules.dep
intel: waited 2020ms for i915.ko driver to load
Number of created screens does not match number of detected devices."
And this interesting things has in Xorg.0.log file:
"Hotplugging is on, devices using drivers 'kbd', 'mouse' or 'vmouse' will be disabled.
Disabling Mouse0
Disabling Keyboard0"
And the top mentioned error about created screens. So, please, type, what can i do now?