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Author Topic: please make this page simpler and more understandable! ?  (Read 5851 times)

Offline xor

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please make this page simpler and more understandable! ?
« on: June 27, 2019, 07:43:40 AM »
 :-[ :'(

please make this page simpler and more understandable! ?
google translation creates confusion in words close to each other.

http://wiki.tinycorelinux.net/wiki:remastering_with_ezremaster is

"Options for adding extensions to your remaster"

[no] "Outside initrd apps on boot" / "Outside initrd apps":
[no] “Inside initrd apps on boot” / “Inside initrd apps”:

if it is in the form of 4 items instead of 2 titles;
google external languages; make accurate translation.

[ok] “Outside initrd apps on boot”
[ok] “Outside initrd apps”:
[ok] “Inside initrd apps on boot”
[ok] “Inside initrd apps”:

    [EDIT]: Fixed spelling in link.  Rich
« Last Edit: June 27, 2019, 07:58:21 AM by Rich »

Offline xor

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Re: please make this page simpler and more understandable! ?
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2019, 08:41:45 AM »
wiki/remastering_with_ezremaster.txt · Last modified: 2011/11/16 20:13 by ixbrian
  ??? :-\ :'(

Offline Uptakdiv

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Re: please make this page simpler and more understandable! ?
« Reply #2 on: June 29, 2019, 01:51:35 PM »
`Options for adding extensions to your remaster`

Are you asking only this part?

Offline Rich

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Re: please make this page simpler and more understandable! ?
« Reply #3 on: June 29, 2019, 01:59:08 PM »
Hi xor
I replaced the  /  with the word  or.  Does that work for you?

Offline xor

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Re: please make this page simpler and more understandable! ?
« Reply #4 on: June 30, 2019, 04:00:47 AM »
Hi xor
I replaced the  /  with the word  or.  Does that work for you?

https://translate.google.com/ 1745/5000

my native language is not english,
all my correspondence here; I'm doing it through google translation.
There are 7 billion people in the world and 300 different local languages.

In particular, there is a point that TCL is different from other linux;
completely running on RAM.

from this point ; when you create a personalized iso file
Can be used without HDD or SSD
This is a really fast linux! :)

but in some google translations
close to each other sentence structures,
google translates into meaningless complex expressions in translation.

Google Translate ;
for example, this article; cannot translate it directly into English at once.
over and over again
I translate into English and then translate.
in this way ; When I make sure that google translation of the correct synonyms has the correct meanings, I'm sending you this post

it takes me a minute to write what I think.
but I don't know the right translation through google translation
It takes me 15 minutes.

even the term initrd itself is a virtual file structure system!
not correctly understood, correctly defined,
contains a lot of words.

it is trying to explain how to re-master iso in 5 different ways.

simple for you, but instead of trying 5 different ways to spread TCL
more precisely because it is a document read by google translation, it is important that it is more easily and accurately understood by google translation,

if you revise the document in a way that simplifies basic concepts so that the term initrd can understand. for users in other local languages ​​it will be easier to understand and use TCL.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2019, 04:04:01 AM by xor »

Offline xor

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Re: please make this page simpler and more understandable! ?
« Reply #5 on: June 30, 2019, 04:03:13 AM »
`Options for adding extensions to your remaster`

Are you asking only this part?

yes, serious installation errors can occur, especially at the point of inserting plugins.

there should be simpler basic expressions that describe what the term definition works for!

Offline Uptakdiv

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Re: please make this page simpler and more understandable! ?
« Reply #6 on: June 30, 2019, 04:30:59 AM »
Outside initrd apps on boot” / “Outside initrd apps”: These options will put the extensions in the ISO image under /tce/optional. If you use “Outside initrd apps on boot” the extension will also be listed in /tce/optional/onboot.lst so that the extension is automatically loaded at boot. The “Outside initrd” options are best for systems that have limited memory but you must leave the remaster CD in the drive after booting. There is also an option “Check to optionally set copy2fs.flg if using outside initrd apps”. This option creates the copy2fs.flg which will cause the extensions to be copied to memory at bootup which will require more memory but will allow you to remove the CD after booting.
Bu secenekler iso imajindaki eklentileri [extension],  /tce/optional bolumune koyar. Eger “Outside initrd apps on boot” secersen /tce/optional/onboot.lst kisminda da listelenir boylece eklenti onyuklemede [boot] yuklenir.  “Outside initrd”  secenegi sinirli bellegi olan makineler icin en iyisidir, bunda remaster CD sini onyuklemeden sonra cikarmaman gerekir. Ayrica “Check to optionally set copy2fs.flg if using outside initrd apps” bu secenekle copy2fs.flg olusur boylece eklentiler onyuklemede bellege kopyalanir.Bunda daha fazla bellek gerekir ama onyuklemeden sonra cd yi cikarabilirsin.

“Inside initrd apps on boot” / “Inside initrd apps”: These options will but the extensions in the initrd (tinycore.gz) under /opt/tce/optional. If you use “Inside initrd apps on boot” the extension will also be listed in the /opt/tce/optional/onboot.lst so that the extension is automatically loaded at boot. The result is a system that boots entirely from memory and the CD can be removed as soon as Tiny Core starts booting. This is a good method to use if you have enough memory on your system.
Bu secenekler initrd (tinycore.gz)`yi /opt/tce/optional bolumune koyar. Eger “Inside initrd apps on boot” secersen eklenti /opt/tce/optional/onboot.lst bolumunde listelenir ayrica. Boylece eklenti otomatik olarak onyuklemede yuklenir. Sonucta sistem tamamen bellekten onyuklenir ve CD, tiny core onyuklemeye baslar baslamaz cikarilabilir. Eger makinende yeterli bellek varsa bu iyi bir yontemdir.

“Extract TCZ to in to initrd”: With this method, during the remaster process each extension you selected will be mounted and then copied in to the extracted initrd. The result is a system that loads everything to memory (CD can be removed after system starts booting) and which boots faster than the “inside initrd apps” method. Since the extensions are no longer mounted, compressed TCZ files (squashfs) as they are with the “Inside initrd apps” this method takes slightly more memory but should have better performance. % % =
Bu yontemle, remaster sureci boyunca sectigin her eklenti ayiklanmis [extract] initrd’ye takilacak [mount] ve sonra kopyalanacak. Sonuc, her seyi bellege yukleyen bir sistem olur [Sistem onyuklemesi basladiktan sonra cd cikarilabilir] ve “inside initrd apps” yonteminden daha hizli onyukleme gerceklesir. Eklentiler takilmadiginda [mount] sikistirilmis TCZ dosyalari [squashfs] “inside initrd apps” gibi olur. [bu cumleyi pek anlamadim].  Bu yontem daha fazla bellek kullanir ama daha yuksek basarim alirsin.