Since this isn't a CD installation, try moving your CDE directory and file structure within to the root of your hd drive. Rename that directory to TCE.
If using a gui interface, you might find it easier to just "copy and paste" the cde directory and it's contents to the root of the drive, and rename cde to tce.
Modify your grub.cfg boot stanza from "cde" to "tce". Be careful - 3rd party bootloaders such as Yumi will have plenty of grub.cfg files floating around - for example, in Yumi, the grub.cfg you want to edit for 64 bit is in the multiboot/Tinycorepure64-10.1/EFI/BOOT/grub/grub.cfg - as just an example.
Check to make sure you did this propely by looking inside /tce/optional and seeing if a bunch of extensions are in there. If the /tce/optional directory is empty, then that means you merely copied directories over, and not any files.