Though it is easy to use WiFi in TC, but for those who are setting up RaLink adapter for the first time and experienced to setup wifi thru TC or linux , here is the simple way thru Windoz :
1) Dnload Coreplus and YUMI software to a Windoz dire. Put USB stick or Pendrive in USB port
2) start YUMI .. Follow the instructions. A YUMI tutorial is already available on YUMI site. Coreplus will be installed on USB stick.
3) Adjust PCs or laptops BIOS setting to boot from USB.
4) Reboot. If successful , TC boot menu will be available with diff flavours.
5) From menu options , Select Tinycore with WiFi and Firmware.
6) A nice TC screen with diff icons at bottom appears. Click on WiFi icon.
7) Wait a minute. A prompt will ask to select wifi from available numbered wifi networks. Select your network.

Then when prompted, Enter wifi passkey.
If all is OK , you will get a working Wifi.
... Enjoy net or dnload install diff TC application from Apps .