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Author Topic: Don't forget graphics-<kernel>.tcz !!  (Read 2173 times)

Offline PDP-8

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Don't forget graphics-<kernel>.tcz !!
« on: June 18, 2019, 08:21:35 PM »
I always forget this when I'm in a hurry to blast up a tinycore system ..

Even though I favor a tiny-X server and not a full-bore Xorg server, I tend to forget how much nicer it is when you download and install

graphics-<kernel>.tcz     (ie 4.19.xx)

I think it's worth the small amount of additional ram.  For me, this is like always forgetting that *one* thing you want at the hardware store. :)
That's a UNIX book! - cool  -- Garth

Offline PDP-8

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Re: Don't forget graphics-<kernel>.tcz !!
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2019, 05:52:32 AM »
Forgot to mention - the other thing I always forget when I'm in a hurry is to finish the job by editing my hidden ~/.Xdefaults file with the following settings:

Code: [Select]
Xft.antialias: true
Xft.hinting: true
Xft.hintstyle: hintfull
Xft.lcdfilter: lcdlegacy
Xft.rgba: rgb

(By convention, these start with a CAPITAL X)

And since my modern monitor is nearer 102dpi rather than 96, I change that value as well:

Xft.dpi: 102.0

Even just Xfbdev instead of a full xorg, terminus fonts, and some small tweaks makes things really nice.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2019, 05:54:14 AM by PDP-8 »
That's a UNIX book! - cool  -- Garth

Offline Rich

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Re: Don't forget graphics-<kernel>.tcz !!
« Reply #2 on: July 03, 2019, 08:23:55 AM »
Hi PDP-8
One of the things I do in my  ~/.Xdefaults  file is turn off transparency:
Code: [Select]
Aterm*transparent: falseThis leaves the terminal background black instead of that washed-out gray when it loses focus, which provides better contrast.
Depending on your system, it might reduce lag and tearing when dragging a terminal.

Offline PDP-8

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Re: Don't forget graphics-<kernel>.tcz !!
« Reply #3 on: July 03, 2019, 04:09:11 PM »
That's a great tip Rich!  I often have multiple terminals open, and when looking over at the one that has lost focus, I'm always activating it to see what the results are.

When I'm messing around with .Xdefaults, I sometimes forget that commenting out is an exclamation, rather than a hash.  So to reduce typing if I want to test things out, part of my .Xdefaults looks like this:

Code: [Select]
! Aterm*transparent: false
Aterm*transparent: true

Still, I have some annoying lagging and tearing, but that's only with terminals and Xfbdev.  The rest of the standard xprogs are fine.  It's usable now, but just bugs me a bit.

I like the way the JWM window manager hides it, by using a wire-frame drag instead.  Kind of wish that FLWM had a wire-frame drag option.

That's a UNIX book! - cool  -- Garth