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Author Topic: *.AppNAME_GetLatest ;;; a wonderful and practical idea came to my mind right now  (Read 2196 times)

Offline xor

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a wonderful and practical idea came to my mind right now;

In this way, the workload of the warehouse update will be reduced.

for all other applications;
(Like the Firefox_getLatest application :)
* .appname_getlatest

All other applications without extension "* .tcz",
download from the Internet,
translate into "* .tcz" format

in summary; are you already doing this with the * .sh script !?

this relieves everyone's workload. :)

In this way, the workload of the warehouse update will be reduced.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2019, 11:52:57 PM by xor »

Offline nick65go

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XOR, we are so lucky to have you on board with your marvelos ideas. shame on the skilled developers that they did not think about such a simple/eficient update mode  :P and it will take care of ALL recursive dependency also (deps of deps of deps etc)  8)
so, are you contributing the programming code also? (just a prototype maybe at first) or are you just the iluminating Einstein for us normal mortlas?
EDIT: the pursuit for "GetLatest.." (ussualy) means trap into bloated (aka more not needed features for you) software. So, someone starts with TINY small size linux, just to "explode" it to full bloat Ubuntu like, because he/she wants to learn how tinycore works? hm, LFS (linux from scratch, wiki search for it) is then.
If the final goal is full/big "distro"with up-to-date software, then why tinycore to stat from?
« Last Edit: May 30, 2019, 05:07:08 AM by nick65go »

Offline coreplayer2

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IMO “xor” still hasn’t realized that extensions are user contributed and that if he or she wants to use a specific application it’s up to him or her to create and contribute.. 
extensions are easy to make BTW

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Offline andyj

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So, we should download packages compiled for other distros and convert them to TC extensions by repacking them? If you want to use packages from another distro, why not use the other distro? If you really want to contribute to TC, then start submitting and maintaining extensions yourself. Even FOSS isn't free as in beer, persons have to spend their time for the people to benefit.