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... core.gz is the kernel modules stuff right?
Since the ISO booted and the kernel saw the hard drive at the time of installation it was working at some point. Which disk controller are you using? What bootloader are you using, and what does the configuration look like?
... What do you mean by configuration?
DEFAULT coreLABEL coreKERNEL /tce/boot/vmlinuzINITRD /tce/boot/core.gzAPPEND quiet waitusb=5 waitusb=5:UUID="7c01923d-d05d-454f-9738-7a1f88bb32a1" tce=UUID="7c01923d-d05d-454f-9738-7a1f88bb32a1"
Try adding "debug" to the boot args, to see more messages. ...
APPEND quiet waitusb=5 waitusb=5:UUID="7c01923d-d05d-454f-9738-7a1f88bb32a1" tce=UUID="7c01923d-d05d-454f-9738-7a1f88bb32a1"
APPEND quiet debug waitusb=5:UUID="7c01923d-d05d-454f-9738-7a1f88bb32a1" tce=UUID="7c01923d-d05d-454f-9738-7a1f88bb32a1"