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Author Topic: could we have a web-site index.html of extensions for tc10 64 and 32 bits?  (Read 5086 times)

Offline nick65go

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I saw a nice presentation for TC 9.x in http://tinycorelinux.net/9.x/x86_64/tcz/index.html, same is for http://tinycorelinux.net/9.x/x86/tcz/index.html
Could we have something similar for http://tinycorelinux.net/10.x/{x86, x86_64}/tcz/index.html ?

I undestand that  TC10 is in continous flux updated/corrected.
But maybe a tiny script on your server to query [every week?] the already existent files such as
info.lst.gz [10kb], md5.db.gz [61kb], sizelist.gz [16kb], tags.db.gz [25kb] to produce the equivalent of tc9 index.html [264kb]. the main fields title, descriptions, version, size, (eventualy tags) will allow a quick inspection when forced to see it from other OS  (windows  :-[)

EDIT: eventualy with annother filed like type ={tcz, doc, locale_lang, dev_src} whichs allow a quick copy/paste of the html in an spreadsheet table for sort, filter etc.
« Last Edit: May 16, 2019, 07:31:06 AM by nick65go »

Offline nick65go

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any news for this proposal? idea accepted/rejected/delayed/work-in progress?

Online Juanito

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I prefer the existing basic format

Offline jazzbiker

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A matter of taste. I like present TC10 index and don't like present TC9 index (. Besides earlier TC9 index was as usual, then it became "nice" and caused the feeling, that i make a mistake in URL ).
tce for console and Apps for X gave all the heart wants.
And yes, TinyCore differs from other distros, and it's beautiful!
Simply an opinion )

Offline nick65go

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hi juanito, thanks for your answer. even if it is not what i hoped for. but.. your web-site, your rules.
hi jazzbiker,
tce for console and Apps for X gave all the heart wants.
maybe I should highlight it again, to clarify: it was about how TC is seen from outside of the linux world. Like when someone want do "have a look over it", but from stupid win10 (foced by "others" on me, like corporations). So I could do some "work" on evaluating the apps size, the diverisity of categories, etc. FYI: i have no (major) problems when "working" from INSIDE of tinycore :)
EDIT: I did the full listing in Excel, and I can do it again, if in need. because i see (sorry!) not many/often new versions apps. And I start to cristalise the comparison TC versus other "distros". (security, small size, speed, portability). the competition is caching up guys :)

« Last Edit: May 30, 2019, 08:45:27 AM by nick65go »

Offline mocore

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at some point  :P
 i hope to finish/update  the scripts in the linked post
get-repo-info.sh -  small script to download/collect each $arch/info.lst file
mk-repo-table.js - read $arch/info.lst data into json and create html table
to 'get/view what tcz is in *each* arch for each release version'
 both have been rewritten in awk!

... in the mean time
a few other methods to create a 'nice' extension list can be found in "Programming & Scripting - Unofficial"

http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php/topic,22016.0.html (tabulate.sh) Enhancing the "Browse TCZs" Webpage with an Automated Script

http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php?topic=20688.0 'UserScript' for  Tampermonkey aka "Extentions Repository Browser Userscript"


Offline nick65go

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at some point  :P
 i hope to finish/update  the scripts in the linked post
thanks for links/info. noted :)

Offline mocore

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Re: could we have a web-site index.html of extensions for tc10 64 and 32 bits?
« Reply #7 on: September 30, 2019, 04:53:28 AM »
hacking about with TooTallNate/bashttpd and "Extentions Repository Browser Userscript"

serving the Repository Browser Userscript with bashttpd
and using tce-fetch.sh to get files from tcl mirror
to test this method follow the steps below 


Code: [Select]
tce-load -li socat || tce-load -ilw socat
tce-load -li bash || tce-load -ilw bash
 mkdir ~/tcz-www
 cd ~/tcz-www

 wget https://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.1.4.min.js

 wget https://github.com/TooTallNate/bashttpd/raw/master/bashttpd
# save teh-botol script ( extentions-repository-browser-userscript_erbs.js )
# from  http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php/topic,20688.0.html
# change the line
# >    var list = $('body').text().split('\n');
# to
# >    var list = $('#list').text().split('\n');

# run ./bashttpd to generate  ./bashttpd.conf

# manually copy the code below  into ./bashttpd.conf
# and comment out
# the line >unconditionally serve_static_string 'Hello, world!  You can configure bashttpd by modifying bashttpd.conf.'
# or
# patch ./bashttpd.conf

# finally start the server

   BASHTTPD_CONFIG="$PWD/bashttpd.conf" socat TCP4-LISTEN:8080,fork EXEC:./bashttpd

# then visit localhost:8080/tcz in the browser

# enjoy tcz information at your finger tips =]

copy the code block below  into ./bashttpd.conf
and comment out the line
>" unconditionally serve_static_string 'Hello, world!  You can configure bashttpd by modifying bashttpd.conf.' "

Code: [Select]

html_Page() { pghead="$1"; pgbody="$2";
               serve_static_string "<html><head> $pghead </head><body> $pgbody </body></html>"  "text/html" ; }

 tcz_fn() { # serve_static_string "$(tce-fetch.sh -O info.lst )"
          local  _path=$1;
          local  _file="${2-info.lst}";

  default_tcz_route() {
  page_head="<title> tcz -  1=$1  -  2=$2</title> <script src='/jquery-2.1.4.min.js'>"
  ##<script src='/extentions-repository-browser-userscript_erbs.js'></script>
  page_body="<pre id='list'>$(tce-fetch.sh -O info.lst )</pre>
             <script src='/extentions-repository-browser-userscript_erbs.js'></script>" ;
  html_Page "$page_head" "$page_body";
  # case for file route's
  case "$_file" in
  '/'|'info.lst')  default_tcz_route $_path "$_file" ;;     # default route / , info.lst
  *) serve_static_string "$(tce-fetch.sh -O "$_file" )" ;;  # get $_file from mirror

 on_uri_match '^/tcz(.*)' tcz_fn


patch /bashttpd.conf
Code: [Select]
--- ./bashttpd.conf.old
+++ ./bashttpd.conf
@@ -65,7 +65,32 @@
 #   paths relative to the specified "$DOCROOT"
-unconditionally serve_static_string 'Hello, world!  You can configure bashttpd by modifying bashttpd.conf.'
+#unconditionally serve_static_string 'Hello, world!  You can configure bashttpd by modifying bashttpd.conf.'
+ html_Page() { pghead="$1"; pgbody="$2";
+               serve_static_string "<html><head> $pghead </head><body> $pgbody </body></html>"  "text/html" ; }
+ tcz_fn() { # serve_static_string "$(tce-fetch.sh -O info.lst )"
+          local  _path=$1;
+          local  _file="${2-info.lst}";
+  default_tcz_route() {
+  page_head="<title> tcz -  1=$1  -  2=$2</title> <script src='/jquery-2.1.4.min.js'>"
+  ##<script src='/extentions-repository-browser-userscript_erbs.js'></script>
+  page_body="<pre id='list'>$(tce-fetch.sh -O info.lst )</pre>
+             <script src='/extentions-repository-browser-userscript_erbs.js'></script>" ;
+  html_Page "$page_head" "$page_body";
+  }
+  # case for file route's
+  case "$_file" in
+  '/'|'info.lst')  default_tcz_route $_path "$_file" ;;     # default route / , info.lst
+  *) serve_static_string "$(tce-fetch.sh -O "$_file" )" ;;  # get $_file from mirror
+  esac
+ }
+ on_uri_match '^/tcz(.*)' tcz_fn
 # More about commands:

« Last Edit: September 30, 2019, 04:59:48 AM by mocore »

Offline mocore

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Re: could we have a web-site index.html of extensions for tc10 64 and 32 bits?
« Reply #8 on: September 30, 2019, 09:47:53 AM »

... i had forgotten  :-[ a few things  ???

hear is the full bashttpd.conf

https://gitlab.com/snippets/1899570 (mostly ;)) tested !  and working

test this  by running the script below 
Code: [Select]
tce-load -li socat || tce-load -ilw socat
tce-load -li bash || tce-load -ilw bash
tce-load -li tree || tce-load -ilw tree
 mkdir ~/tcz-www
 cd ~/tcz-www

 wget https://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.1.4.min.js

 wget https://github.com/TooTallNate/bashttpd/raw/master/bashttpd

 # save teh-botol script ( extentions-repository-browser-userscript_erbs.js )
 # from  http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php/topic,20688.0.html
 wget -O./extentions-repository-browser-userscript_erbs.js  https://gitlab.com/snippets/1899573/raw

sed -i "s/var list = \$('body')/var list = \$('#list')/g" ./extentions-repository-bro

# download this config
wget -O./bashttpd-tcz-erbs.conf  https://gitlab.com/snippets/1899570/raw

# finally start the server

   BASHTTPD_CONFIG="$PWD/bashttpd-tcz-erbs.conf" socat TCP4-LISTEN:8080,fork EXEC:./bashttpd

# then visit localhost:8080/tcz in the browser

# enjoy tcz information at your finger tips =]
« Last Edit: September 30, 2019, 09:50:33 AM by mocore »

Offline nick65go

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Re: could we have a web-site index.html of extensions for tc10 64 and 32 bits?
« Reply #9 on: September 30, 2019, 10:45:25 AM »
Thanks mocore for you ambition/info/technicality. A TCZ extension to wrap it all will be nice. Unfortunatly I start to get rusty at understanding programming (maybe the age takes its toll, maybe the life goes on.. other priorities).
I aplly more offen Pareto priciple: achive 80% results with 20% effort  ;)
« Last Edit: September 30, 2019, 10:48:18 AM by nick65go »

Offline mocore

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Re: could we have a web-site index.html of extensions for tc10 64 and 32 bits?
« Reply #10 on: September 30, 2019, 01:37:25 PM »
Thanks mocore for you ambition/info/technicality.
A TCZ extension to wrap it all will be nice.
no problem ... i just updated the script https://gitlab.com/snippets/1899570
- removing newline in file name
- adding tree

i was intending to (eventualy) make an effort to package a tcz of the get-repo-info and create tables script
and add list.js or isotope to the mix 8) for fuzzy search and sorting and filtering

... and while im here a browseable list of tags would be neat

this "Repository Browser Userscript with bashttpd" was going off on a tangent as a "quick test"
after setting up a wkspace for the 'get-repo-info and create tables'

Unfortunatly I start to get rusty at understanding programming (maybe the age takes its toll, maybe the life goes on.. other priorities).
I aplly more offen Pareto priciple: achive 80% results with 20% effort  ;)

you can all ways refresh your neurons
scanning through 'a whirlwind tour of your next favorite language. '
eg : https://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/bash/