Hi, Cores!
mupdf.tcz is nice working and is Tiny and toolkit independant, so everything is ok with it, i use it almost every day.
But new mupdf versions are available at mupdf.org, and they can work not only with pdf's, but with .epub and .fb2 too. If i am not mistaken, .epub's can be viewed with flviewer.tcz, but i don't know any extension for .fb2's.
I've loaded and compiled and tried a little mupdf-1.15. It works well too, but have issues with sourced GL interface in .tar.xz (missing header glu.h). So i succeed only with building mupdf-x11, not mupdf-gl. Of course it is big enough (it is toolkit independent too)- built without any dependencies weights 35M.
I've made an extension mupdf-1.15.tcz and the bright side of it is that new extension is not conflicting with the old mupdf.tcz, they can coexist, and there is no need to displace time-proved and tiny old version.
May be it will be usefull to add this new version to repo in order to have fb2-able viewer?
And mupdf-tools in additional extension? Even library is built accompanied with dev files, but is static one.
License is AGPL, can we use it?