I'm continuing from this old thread in my attempt to
limit-the-number-of-variables: hardware, booter, TCversion,
to eventually have wifi on the laptop which needs UEFIbooting.
coreplayer2 wrote:--
>Given that both your notebooks have UEFI I recommend
> starting over creating an EFI bootable USB.
I followed your steps and expected to get at least a GUI
like I get with syslinux and TC64 Ver7.2.
Of course I couldn't test the known-good <rtl-wifi> under the
new <grub2-multi> because I didn't even get a GUI with copy-paste
facilities. If the iso doesn't give these basic apps, I'm wondering
how I installed the original Ver7.2.
What's about that script that installs ver:N apps from Ver:N-M ?
Of course I get GUI ..etc with the laptop that can't do wifi; but
that's from hacking the Ver7.2 *.tcz/s into the Ver10 base, which
may be one reason why I can't get it's wifi working.
If 26624K:
http://tinycorelinux.net/10.x/x86_64/release/TinyCorePure64-10.1.isohasn't got the GUI; how is the wifi installed, when the wifi needs
the GUI?