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Author Topic: Share your JWM themes, thoughts, hacks, and hints:)  (Read 5286 times)

Offline linus72

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Share your JWM themes, thoughts, hacks, and hints:)
« on: July 07, 2009, 03:52:46 PM »
I'm really trying to get into jwm and make it shine, and I need Help
as not being a coder or anykind of computer training
I am a little behind:)

Here is "gold dragon" and "blue dragon" jwm theme packs I just made
( http://multidistro.com/tinycore-shots/tc-scrnshots.html )

So, if you guys could please share your thoughts, hints and hacks, themes etc of jwm I would really appreciate it:)

here is new gold dragon theme

Code: [Select]
<!-- Visual Styles -->
<!-- Gold Dragon -->

<Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font>
<Outline>dark goldenrod</Outline>

<Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font>

<!-- Additional TrayStyle attribute: insert -->

<Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font>
<Background>dark goldenrod</Background>


<Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font>
<Background>dark goldenrod</Background>

<Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font>
<Background>dark goldenrod</Background>


here is jwmrc

Code: [Select]
<?xml version="1.0"?>


   <!-- The root menu, if this is undefined you will not get a menu. -->
   <!-- Additional RootMenu attributes: onroot, labeled, label -->
   <RootMenu height="12" onroot="123">

<Program label="Gimp2">exec /usr/local/bin/gimp-2.6</Program>
<Program label="Opera (browser-only)">exec /usr/local/bin/opera -nomail -nolirc</Program>
<Program label="File Manager">exec sudo /usr/local/bin/xfe</Program>
<Program label="Text Editor">exec sudo /usr/local/bin/xfw</Program>


<Program label="Apps Browser"> exec appbrowser </Program>
<Program label="Control Panel"> exec cpanel </Program>

<Menu label="XShells">
  <Program label="Dark"> exec aterm +tr -T "sh" </Program>
  <Program label="Light"> exec aterm +tr -bg white -fg black -cr blue -T "sh" </Program>
  <Program label="Transparent"> exec aterm -tr -tr -T "sh" </Program>
  <Menu label="Root Access">
    <Program label="Dark"> exec aterm +tr -cr red -T "Root Shell" -e sudo -s </Program>
    <Program label="Light"> exec aterm +tr -bg white -fg black -cr red -T "Root Shell" -e sudo -s  </Program>
    <Program label="Transparent"> exec aterm -tr -tr -cr red -T "Root Shell" -e sudo -s </Program>
<Menu label="Tools">
  <Program label="Add to Bootlocal"> exec /usr/bin/add2file /opt/bootlocal.sh</Program>
  <Program label="Add to Filetool"> exec /usr/bin/add2file /opt/.filetool.lst</Program>
  <Program label="Add to Xfiletool"> exec /usr/bin/add2file /opt/.xfiletool.lst</Program>
  <Program label="Screenshot"> exec /usr/bin/screenshot.sh </Program>
  <Program label="Picture Viewer"> exec /usr/bin/flpicsee  </Program>
  <Program label="EXT Swapfile"> exec /usr/bin/swapfile  </Program>
  <Program label="Make tclocal File/Directory"> exec aterm +tr +sb -T "TC Make tclocal" -e sudo  /usr/bin/mktclocal </Program>
  <Program label="Make Crypto Home File"> exec aterm +tr +sb -T "TC Make Crypto Home" -e sudo  /usr/bin/mkcryptohome </Program>
  <Program label="TC Terminal Server"> exec aterm +tr +sb -T "TC Terminal Server" -e sudo  /usr/bin/tc-terminal-server </Program>
  <Program label="Time Via Internet Time Server"> exec sudo /usr/bin/getTime.sh </Program>
  <Program label="Top"> exec  aterm +tr +sb -T "Top" -e /usr/bin/top </Program>
  <Program label="Vi"> exec aterm +tr -T "Vi" -e vi</Program>
  <Program label="Xkill"> exec /usr/bin/xkill </Program>
  <Program label="Xvesa Setup"> exec aterm +tr +sb -T "X Setup" -e /usr/bin/xsetup.sh  </Program>

  <Program label="Help"> exec help /usr/share/doc/tc/help.html</Program>
  <Program label="Run Command"> exec flrun</Program>
  <Menu label="Exit/Restart">
   <Program label="Restart Wbar"> exec wbar.sh</Program>
   <Restart label="Restart Window Manager"/>
   <Program label="Exit Options"> exec exittc</Program>




   <!-- Virtual Desktops -->
   <!-- Desktop tags can be contained within Desktops for desktop names. -->
   <Desktops count="4">

      <!-- Default background. Note that a Background tag can be
           contained within a Desktop tag to give a specific background
           for that desktop.
           Valid types: solid gradient image tile command
<Background type="image">/opt/.backgrounds/bronze.jpg</Background>


   <!-- Double click speed (in milliseconds) -->

   <!-- Double click delta (in pixels) -->

   <!-- The focus model (sloppy or click) -->

   <!-- The snap mode (none, screen, or border) -->
   <SnapMode distance="10">border</SnapMode>

   <!-- The move mode (outline or opaque) -->

   <!-- The resize mode (outline or opaque) -->


Here is blue dragon jwmtheme

Code: [Select]
<!-- Visual Styles -->
<!-- evil blue glow -->

<Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font>
<Title>blue:light blue</Title>
<Title>dark blue:light blue</Title>
<Outline>light blue</Outline>

<Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font>
<Background>light blue:blue</Background>

<!-- Additional TrayStyle attribute: insert -->

<Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font>
<Foreground>dark blue</Foreground>

<ActiveBackground>light blue</ActiveBackground>

<Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font>

<Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font>
<Outline>light blue</Outline>


the blue jwmrc is about same.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2009, 04:03:52 PM by linus72 »

Offline grandma

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Re: Share your JWM themes, thoughts, hacks, and hints:)
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2011, 05:23:22 PM »
beautiful work - nice job
~ Luv Grandma
"When children of all nations
play in the sandbox together
all morning-all day-all week, and
one fine sunny day; all year long ...
... then war will become an ancient memory
and Grandma can knit that sweater
you'll hold near to your heart
until long after you're my age.

Offline vinnie

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Re: Share your JWM themes, thoughts, hacks, and hints:)
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2011, 06:38:27 PM »
Gold is very relaxing