Tinycore is here 12/1/2008! Welcome visitors.
Title: wireshark.tczDescription: network protocol analyzerVersion: 2.2.1Author: see list of sites belowOriginal-site: see list of sites belowCopying-policy: see list of sites belowSize: 22MBExtension_by: juanitoTags: network protocol analyzerComments: network protocol analyzer ---------- *** use with Xorg-7.7 *** ---------- This extension contains: wireshark-2.2.1 - MIT - https://www.wireshark.org/download/src/all-versions/wireshark-2.2.1.tar.bz2 ----------Change-log: 2017/02/07 first versionCurrent: 2017/05/29 recompiled for updated libgcrypt
... TC v.7.2 is the latest version which can run Wireshark. ...