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Author Topic: dCore modules  (Read 9170 times)

Offline vinceASPECT

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dCore modules
« on: February 18, 2019, 06:21:55 PM »
Hello Team,

is there any way any of your dCore distro's can contain the "usbip_core" module or just "usbip" driver or can it be downloaded
and installed from a repo?



Offline Jason W

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Re: dCore modules
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2019, 05:46:40 AM »
Hi.  The usbip_core module is in the base system of dCore-xenial, dCore-stretch, and dCore-bionic.  Which dCore are you using?  Thanks. 

Offline vinceASPECT

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Re: dCore modules
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2019, 02:47:47 PM »

Trying to get a tool working here Jason .......indeed i tried TCL 10.....and indeed the modules needed were there and loaded correctly....


then i had my tool as an executable. It throws no errors and just executes but nothing happens.
(it should show a gui)

i did it like this

$tcbox /home/tc/vhuit32   (the tool executing)     

(it is sometimes throwing an error about gtllib X11) but when i tried to load GTK2 or GTK 3....it caused the whole of TCL 10 to Lock)

without dragging this stuff our Jason....i think the tool offered from their website is a raw executable...it's not an rpm or deb.........otherwise i could have used ALIEN and then "deb2sce" to deal with it.


Offline Jason W

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Re: dCore modules
« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2019, 08:54:00 PM »
Hi.  On dCore-bionic and dCore-bionic64 those modules are loaded when vhuit32 or vhuit64 is run.  A window does open for the app, but as I don't use that app I can't test it's functionality. 

The 32 bit version does not run on dCore-xenial or dCore-stretch though the kernel modules exist in the system for it, probably due to the age of dCore-xenial's and dCore-stretch's libraries. 

I am assuming this is the project page below the binary is from?

« Last Edit: February 19, 2019, 09:53:11 PM by Jason W »

Offline vinceASPECT

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Re: dCore modules
« Reply #4 on: February 20, 2019, 05:18:11 AM »
That's great Jason and you have the correct project.

So it runs on bionic dCore then?.....that is good news. I will get bionic and try to use the app.

Jason,as my earlier rants state, the app is in TWO parts and should allow users to run Linux VM's in Msofts Hyper-V machines.... then be able to share the host win32 machines connected USB devices with the Linux Hyper-V VM's...
(and also many other configurations like win32 Hyper-V Vm's to other win32 Hyper-V Vm's) or say a Linux HOST machine to win32 VM)...or a Linu Hyper-V VM to another Linux Hyper-V VM........it's very universal.

The above is something that Vmware, virtualbox etc can already do....but Hyper-V from Msoft can't.

(it shares such things as USB soundcards, cameras, mics,mice etc etc). By "share" i think it means they are accessible to ALL operating systems on the network (Virtual Network) at the same time......although all os's can't actually "use" them at the same time, instead, they would just instantly switch usage, as you  switched OS usage.

Jason, the window of the app you saw, is the......... "Linux Client" window which i will be running in a Hyper-V Linux bionic VM on a win32 Host machine.

The second window of the app is the ..................... "Windows Server" Window.
That window works fine on the Host win32 machine running the Hyper-V Vm of bionic.

They should talk to each other. This is the demo and allows permanent sharing of ONE usb device

This type of stuff is already built into Linux called USBIP opensource app. I found an article on how to actually run that app but it's contrived indeed. It also seems that the second link only pertains to Lin machines to Lin machines and no mention of win32 or VM's
http://usbip.sourceforge.net/ (Lin to win etc)
http://www.linux-magazine.com/Issues/2018/208/Tutorial-USB-IP  (Lin to Linux)

i am assuming that  the above are one of the same project and are in many Linux repos.

I will get bionic then and try it all. Thanks


« Last Edit: February 20, 2019, 05:52:47 AM by vinceASPECT »

Offline Jason W

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Re: dCore modules
« Reply #5 on: February 20, 2019, 08:58:05 PM »
Hi vinceASPECT, I am using VirtualHere across 3 machines on the same local area network.  VirtualHere server is running on the ones with IP address and each with a USB flash drive attached, client is  Servers are dCore-bionic64 and dCore-bionic, client is dCore-bionic.  I downloaded the below file and ran it with the commands to start the server then plugged in a USB flash drive. 

Code: [Select]
For dCore-bionic64:

wget https://www.virtualhere.com/sites/default/files/usbserver/vhusbdx86_64
chmod +x vhusbdx86_64
sudo ./vhusbdx86_64

If dCore-boinic:

wget https://www.virtualhere.com/sites/default/files/usbserver/vhusbdi386
chmod +x vhusbdi386
sudo ./vhusbdi386

Then on the client machine:

Code: [Select]

For dCore-bionic64:

wget https://www.virtualhere.com/sites/default/files/usbclient/vhuit64
chmod +x vhuit64
sudo ./vhuit64

For dCore-bionic:

wget https://www.virtualhere.com/sites/default/files/usbclient/vhuit32
chmod +x vhuit32
sudo ./vhuit32

The window opens up on the client machine, lists available machine IP addresses that have servers running.  You can pick to use a USB from the window from either server.  Then the client machine will automatically create a new device and mount point under /mnt.  Simply mount the new mount point as if it were on the machine, ie, "sudo mount /mnt/sdd1".  Placing instructions here in case anyone not familiar with it wants to try it. 
« Last Edit: February 20, 2019, 09:00:38 PM by Jason W »

Offline vinceASPECT

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Re: dCore modules
« Reply #6 on: February 20, 2019, 10:43:57 PM »
Jason, that sounds just like how "virtualhere" is supposed to work....yes. And yes, the persmissions of files must be changed like you show.

You should be able to "share" physically connected USB devices on a Host machine (your server)
with other Client machines in a network of any topology including remote machines also. (CLOUD)

Jason, the "virtualhere" principle should also work in an identical fashion with Servers to VM;s, and Lin to Win or Win to Lin styles of that....or indeed Android to whatever ....or osx to whatever.... (platform independent)

I am unsure if you have a "demo" limited version, since you are purely moving between
Linux Servers and Linux Clients. You may have unlimited access.

Also, i am unsure if your network of machines can simultaneously use a particular USB device. For example, one of your machines streaming a movie off a flash drive.....and also another of your machines streaming some other movie file off that same "shared" flash drive "at the same time".......i don't remember that being possible.....as far as i know the "virtualhere METHOD" just allows "instant switch over access" of a USB device to another OS you move to...and so on.

Well it's good to know that USB hardware can be shared in this manner, and that it can also be shared with CLOUD machines on amazom ec2 or whatever.( Remote machines.)  It should also work with local VM machines.

Jason. my whole reasoning on this subject was getting proper usage of the "Level ONE baremetal hypervisor" feature which intel and Msoft supply free named Hyper-V .....and cpu's enabled with Hyper-V.
(proper USB hardware passthrough has still not been properly implemented it into Hyper-V yet)
(virtualhere should solve that)

The Hyper-V  VM system acts at Kernel level.

Jason, it's a good explanation you give and it demonstrates something that may indeed interest others since they may have often shared USB devices between Hosts and VM's running on the Host, but may not have yet had the convenience of sharing real USB devices between several real servers and clients on a wired or wi-fi network or remote CLOUD servers and amazon EC2's etc.

thanks a lot


« Last Edit: February 20, 2019, 10:56:21 PM by vinceASPECT »